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Closed Should We Allow Men To Play As Female Characters?
So what about hermaphrodites or asexual organisms? What were they in their past lives?
No need to say this, Bliss already has enough problems, your comment does not help and is hurtful.
No. Just no. If you meet someone and they tell you "I am a girl" or "I am a guy" and you end up falling in love with them because of personality, and then they come out and tell you afterwards they are an opposite gender, that is their fault for lying. They are nothing more than trash bags of dog poop for lying to someone and potentially messing up someone's life. It's called screwing with someone's life, no one has the right to lie to someone about their gender, (when wanting to get in a relationship. it's darn right wrong)
Take it from someone who had this happen to them.
When I was 15 years old, I met someone online, 'he' told me he was a guy, and after knowing eachother for a few months he asked me out and I was so happy. A few months later we broke up, I still had feelings for him, I was heart broken, I still loved him. and then he came out and told me he was really a girl. It REALLY messes up a person and can cause ALOT of confusion for some. Like I was 16 years old at this time now and NOW I was confused about myself, and it HURT. It took a few months to realize my sexuality was Straight after that but thos few months were depressing and dark and ALOT of fear builds up, especially when your still a young teen. Point in case. Never get into a relationship if someone if you are going to lie about your real gender If you are just friends. Sure, but dating, you tell the truth.
No. Someone shouldn't be banned for playing the opposite gender. How dumb must you be to even think to make a thread like this? Like I am sorry but nexon will NEVER EVER EVER do that as a TOS or a rule. This thread's purpose is now a laughing stock.
A player’s avatar can represent many things, whether it’s the player themselves, a reflection of themselves on the inside, a character of their own creation, or even a representation of a character from a beloved work to the player.
And really, demanding to verify or getting worked up over just who is behind the mask for the purpose of locking them into something...is a grand waste of time and energy.
On an anecdotal note? I’d say for players I know, it’s nearly 50/50 for players of both sexes who play as a character of the opposite, even after we got same-sex marriage ingame.
This thread is the thing that's stupid. This is one of those topics that can EASILY get out of hand. You wanna know my stance? it's just a game! Much like street fighter back in the 90's was just a game and you know all the dude's secretly loved playing Chun-li. Or how about super mario 2 because the princess could float across the screen. Jump to the present, what about Vindictus with their gender locked archetype system?
The majority of people who play games DON'T CARE if a guy plays a girl character or if a girl plays a guy character. Those that do care shouldn't be playing games and are the type of people who make the world that much more annoying.
I do admit, this was the purpose behind my thread, if I haven't made it clear.
I am not in gender studies however. My main is a female elf, and I experienced quite a number of...humourous reactions whenever I tell people of my own sex, indirectly or otherwise.
Well, etymologically speaking, androids are robots that look like dudes, and gynoids are robots that look like dudettes.
I guess we'll disagree then.
They have received the attention of the moderators. What more do they need?
On a more genuine note, my fear is that this'll spiral into a gender identity debate before very long. =/ Should this thread be tucked in the closet?
EDIT: OOoop never mind LOL.
I honestly never thought of gender identity. I am a male player who identifies as a male who loves women who also plays as a female elven character on Alexina. I really am humoured if but a tiny bit annoyed at some of the interactions I experience over the years.
One I thought back of in particularly just recently happened to a friend of mine, who was being pestered by a player due to her female character. I advised her to say to such a player that she is a dude (She hates conflict, so she wouldn't take up my advice to tell him off) and his response apparently was "That's illegal!"
But you know, perhaps the most discomforting experience I had was when another player kept inquiring about my actual sex, saying that "He didn't like to be lied to", and I gave him a fake name for whatever reason I had in my half-baked mind.
So in short, I made this thread for my own amusement, and to mock the Incel-esque players that happen to play mabinogi and other online games.
Don't worry, most of us got it and played along. Some of us didn't though and pontificated about it.
Is it part of anthropology?
You are still a «female character» until you RB into otherwise. You can do what some sub-cultures call «RP» (role-play) as said character and stay «IC» (in-character) and separate yourself from what said sub-culture often refers to as OOC (Out-of-Character; also considered to be what you would do or say as someone who's behind the computer-screen rather than how you might react if you were part of that stuck-in-a-video-game-world genre such as has been depicted in animé like Log Horizon, SAO, Mao-Sama Retry!, etc), depending on your «acting» skills, I suppose, even if those who are unfamiliar with that «RP» sub-culture do not «get» it.
Some people can indeed be «frustrating» for any variety of reasons. I am already aware that there are a fair amount of opposite-gender players, mostly of the males-behind-the-screen-playing-as-female-characters variety, rather than females playing as male characters, but, also, not all of them are necessarily comfortable with admitting it (but some will just come out with it outright in order to avoid confusion and mis-understanding). Then of course there are those who do it just to get «free stuff» from male players (forgot what this was called but I read about it a rather long time ago). Contrary to your thread's intentions/purpose, I see that it seems to be really more out of frustration than for other reasons, probably more so because of so-called «horny teens» trying to «get into your character's pants» and how they might be negatively or «immaturely reacting» once they discover the «truth» of the matter, but it really just depends on how much you interact with other players. You simply will not or at least will rarely encounter it if you're too busy doing constant quests & skill-training and materials-gathering rather than «socializing» with anybody.
Seriously, try it out, and I care not what gender you are either in-game or off-screen, you simply won't have people talking to you or messaging you at all (or at least rarely) if you're always AFK (or at least acting like it) and playing during «off» or «odd» hours, when everyone else is asleep, and never/rarely available to respond. Also... another sub-culture exists known as «#MGTOW» for which I shall not go into detail.
(Forewarning, I didn't read through any posts after the first page, so this may be relative to other opinions, but I wanted to put my two-cents in too =D!)
As I've gotten older I've come to realize I can see why playing as the opposite gender might seem appealing. I mean... sometimes I get bored staring at female pixels and sometimes I'd like to look at a beefy pixelated guy instead. However, for me, I just can't fathom playing a character that doesn't in some way represent who I am. As such, making my character a guy, even for just a short while, would go against my whole being. Fun fact, I've never rebirthed my character into a guy.
With that said, I don't see how it can negatively impact anyone else for a person whether it's a guy or a girl to play as the opposite gender in an MMO. I think the problem starts when said person starts lying to the rest of us when we ask them if they are a guy or girl. Usually, we ask those questions because maybe we are thinking about possible future relations with them. To most of us, that's important.
In contrast, when I first came to realize years ago that people in mabi were playing as opposite genders I was sort of shocked, but at that time I was naive. I can now see the intrigue into playing as the opposite gender, and besides what I mentioned above I don't see any harm in it.
Sidenote, great question to the OP, I'm really surprised someone decided to make a topic about it!