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Closed Should We Allow Men To Play As Female Characters?
I just dislike when people start crap on purpose like this.
It's freaking common sense that people can play as whatever the flying Hell they want to.
It's 2019, people.
We should add something to make it perfectly precise.
If your real self is uglier than your character, you should be banned, because even when you match genders, you cannot completely know if that person looks like that in real life, which is deceiving in some way.
Looks like we need grade SSS Dictatorship in mabinogi
I vote yes, probly my last vote before dictatorship arrives!
You must be new to MMOs. Get used to that happening a lot. I know I'm a little biased as well since I'm a guy that plays as a girl, but honestly, this is not something they will ever do. It would generate way too much outcry for limiting us to one gender based on who we are. And at that point, then someone could just change their gender in their account.
I think someone else said it best too: It would pretty much ruin the player base and half of us would be gone. Not only that, but this game cannot afford to lose anymore of it's player base or this game is gonna go in the trash for Nexon. Player base is already lower than it's been in a long time, and you want to remove it even more? Good luck getting the devs to agree that even if it were a good idea.
Fomors have had it rough since the Millietan showed up.
«How dare you !» ...this one can ! ;O
Disclaimer/Off-Topic : The research/analysis that I have done leaves me to conclude that all of those so-called «natural-disasters» are not from so-called «climate-change» nor «human-production of CO₂», but, rather, from literal weather-control technology/weaponry that's been weaponised, for which literal patents exist which detail how to «control the weather» and the fact that there's even a literal document from the «military» itself, open and available to the general public, with the name/title... Owning the Weather by 2025
Literally what?
Are you okay?
Are you in the wrong place?
This is a 90º turn in topic, with a new contentious topic. Whether it is an attempt to make a statement about the original poster "playing around" with sensitive issues or whether this is an attempt to start genuine discord remains to be seen.
Half the posts on this thread are a turn in topic. I chose to poke fun at one of the more out there posts, not incite discord.
It's MabiHabi/Habimaru. Most consider him a smarmy, nutty conspiracy theorist, myself included.
I only put the disclaimer, not to raise contentions, but, because I just do not agree with all of what «Greta» is promoting, and would not find it in «good conscience» for me to promote what I perceive as a «deception» being used as an «opportunity» for certain modern-day «scribes» (i.e.: lawyers/legistlators) to «tax» everyone for breathing air.
Anyway, the «Excuse me, it's MA'AM !» meme is appropriate for topic, something which an image instead of a video would probably suffice...
Well, it's not Pan, that's a win.
How is a meme which pokes fun at transgender people related to a satirical topic about how some people get angry at others for playing the gender that doesn't match their own?
relation calculating between :
Object : A meme that pokes fun at transgender people
Target : A topic about some people getting angry at others for playing the gender that doesn't match their own
relation calculated.
Result : 96% related Congratulations
I consider narcissistic folks who posture themselves as superior in rationality despite relying on sophistry, doing so in an attempt to self validate themselves to spread their insipid paranoia, to be far worst than any troll. This "I know something the rest of you fools do not" is tiring and juvenile; it is also symptomatic of mental health issues that need to be critically addressed at one of these so called "institutions of indoctrination" in order for them to step down from their grandiose soapbox.
That's all I will say on this matter. It's not like he singlehandedly ruined this thread
This doesn't even make any sense.
Making fun of trans people does not = anger at Traps.
Place your bets on whom will be first to cite InfoWars as a reliable news source.