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Closed Should We Allow Men To Play As Female Characters?
Is that one?
The 'humor' in the meme you posted is found in continuing to call an outraged transgendered person the incorrect honorific, which I'd consider making fun of them.
Incels, meanwhile, does not refer to some quiet guy who might not look the best, unable to get a girlfriend. When someone says 'incel', they're 100% of the time referring to the loud, entitled, misogynistic men who slap the label onto their forehead and then go on reddit to talk about how evil women are.
And no, I really doubt OP opened this thread to poke fun at the group in whole, but more the people who'd get unnecessarily outraged over the fact someone would dare play as the gender identity they don't have in reality.
Meanwhile, over in another part of the universe, a «mirror-version» of this thread is going on right now, over in our «doppel-ganger» society...
Is it because of it's idiocy? Or because people are idiots and think this is a legit question?
It's because these forums have been kinda dead lately and at least this thread is something to do.
21st Century, 2nd decade entertainment. That's why.