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[Announcement] Items Removed from Cash Shop
Hello Milletians,
As of November 21st, 2019, we will no longer sell the following items in the cash shop:
- Restorative Spirit Liqueur
- Spirit Liqueur of Blessing
- Spirit Weapon Repair Potion (1~5)
- Spirit Weapon Repair Potion (6~10)
- As the current Eweca Orb also contains the item, Restorative Spirit Liqueur, we are stopping the sale of the Eweca Orb temporarily until the December update.
We are happy to announce that next month, we will be releasing the Spirit Weapon Update, which will make the Restorative Spirit Liqueur item obsolete. You may still use the following items with Spirit Weapons that you have not converted into new Spirit Weapons after the update is released. Those Spirit Weapons are referred to as Classic Spirit Weapons.
- Spirit Liqueur of Blessing
- Spirit Weapon Repair Potion (1~5)
- Spirit Weapon Repair Potion (6~10)
For players who purchased the Restorative Spirit Liqueur item directly and still have the item in their account, they will be refunded the amount of NX spent on the item. If a player purchased the item and used it, they will not be refunded.
For players who still have a Restorative Spirit Liqueur item on their account, and they obtained the item through different methods (Eweca Orb, bought the item from another player, got the item through an event, etc.), they will be given Pon.
These refunds will occur with the Spirit Weapon update in December.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
-The Mabinogi Team
I believe most of us are calm.