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Which one are you?
or are you the third one?Depends:
1) Does the level bonus given for converting, based on current social level, remain valid always, or is it just an event thing?
2) What are Gems worth in experience to classic and new egos after the update?
And wait till they bring even more stressful content that remove more features for your "endgame challenge" needs.
1) It's permanent, no worries!
Also, I thought it was based on the ego's highest any level (i.e. level 50 Strength and level 42 everything else would turn into a level 90 new Ego 50 + 40 bonus for being level 50)
That's what's posted in the thread over in foreign content.
2) Gem and items worths are the same for Classic egos. Classic egos can't be made afterwards and aren't changed so that doesn't matter much.
As for the exp worth to new egos, I'm not sure on exacts, but it also shouldn't matter very much either, as there's a weekly limit on the exp you can earn with new egos.
Though they do add new gem types, and your ego can have a favorite gem that gives it more EXP. (the favorite gem is randomly decided on ego creation/transfer instead of being based on spirit type/gender)
One thing that seems kind of lame, though, is this part:
So new spirit weapons won't be able to be repaired using these things anymore?
I know they'll be blessable normally using regular Holy Water, but I guess you won't be able to circumvent any repair costs using these items for new ego weapons.
I wonder if this means they'll be updating things like the Baltane Boxes to stop giving them as well.
It'd be lame if, after everything settled down and basically everyone has transferred their old egos to the new types, those boxes still had these items that can't be used on them as a possible prize from opening them.
And after the update you can change the ego's visual effect, ya'know?
Like now our spirits just look like a glowy orb on our weapons, but you can change that in the update to a few new effects:
Well, those are the examples they had on the guide. For some reason they chose to use a Four-Leaf Clover Umbrella Ego, lol. But anyways the first three are the new effects you can get and the last is just the default spirit orb.
Anyways that's not what I really wanted to talk about, what I wanted to mention was the items you need to perform this alteration.
1) You need something called a Spirit Weapon Transmogrification Stone
These are found mining special rocks. And according to the google translated page, these are found on
Does this mean that the ego update FINALLY brings us Tory Ravine?
Or are we still going to have to wait for G24 to unlock that place?
I mean, KR got G24 first, about one week or so before they got their ego update.
Oh also once you actually have the stone, you talk to Dorren about it and she'll give you special liqueur which you then take to Berched to actually change the spirit glow effect.
But will it be less of a grind to level up egos?
And will it take forever to starve them still?
It should be less of a grind, if only because there's a hard cap on how much EXP an ego can earn every week.
And it doesn't seem like egos get hungry anymore.
They still have moods, but rather than feeding, mood is raised by talking to your spirit using keywords every in-game day. Kind of like squires.
You'll get +10 mood every conversation keyword used, up to 3 times per real day.
You can also raise its mood by using the ego in combat. You'll get +5 Mood every 5 Minutes in combat with the ego weapon equipped.
And mood ranges from 0 to 100.
Mood affects the EXP the ego will absorb from items. Though unlike now, you'll want the spirit to be at max mood, rather than unhappy.
But from what I've seen, leveling up your ego resets its mood, probably as a way to avoid just rapid-fire feeding, so you have to spend some time fighting and chatting your ego up to raise its mood.
But other than it resetting on level up, I haven't seen anything that says mood decreases over time or anything.
Regardless, that weekly cap is probably going to be the most effective thing in setting limits on ego grind.
I'm ready
Artemis? As a firewand? Madness :C
I have to fix that >:0
I'm a giant... can't use bows I just like the name though
Impressive. I fed my ego like 200+ 10cm gems during the fishing events at least and only went from like level 20 to level 32. But level 32 on pretty much everything at least so there's that.
I do hope someone picks up that phone.
Yeah, but if you already have a weapon like that, you wouldn't have to start all over.
If you'd already fully invested in a weapon erg/reforge/the whole shebang, you'd be set, since a weapon can be all that stuff and still become an ego after the update.
Awesome! Thanks. I have a hermit staff from back in the day but I hate how much I want to min-max so was thinking of remaking a druid staff.