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So yeah, critters invading X-O quiz area...
So I log right in, head to the X-O quiz area... and find a cactus lizard there:
It's not a glitch, it moves and even attacks:
I didn't want to kill it so more people would get a chance to see it, figuring it for a spawn glitch, but the next person who came along promptly killed and... almost immediately it respawned.
And then, awesome of awesome (or not, up to you I guess) in the time it took me to ready the screenshots up there to post here, plus switch to another account, a Fennec Fox also showed up, so now there's TWO critters up there:
So, uh.... rollback?
[EDIT] This is happening in server Mari, ch5, it doesn't seem to be happening anywhere else!
Well that's weird, because i swear we had ones in Alexina here...
Ch1= Fennec Fox
Ch2= nothing
Ch3= nothing
Ch4= nothing
Ch5= Fennec Fox
Ch6= nothing
Ch7= nothing
Seems like there are less of these guys this year. I remember in past event we had those probably in every channel and mainly there was Cactus Lizard. Hmm.. I don't even care about them since they don't ruin my gameplay or such.