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Regarding (mainly) American-based questions in XO


  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    edited February 16, 2017
    Pyro wrote: »
    I have noticed there's actually new questions, which are not in the wiki so I'm just winging it by looking at the Joemeter since if a lot are on the right answer the meter goes down, and when they leave the right answer the meter goes up.
    Well dang, if there's new questions, can't fully rely on the wiki or google D:
    Sounds like a good idea to watch the meter xD

    Why not google? Cuz nexon says Kobe Bryant was born in Los Angeles instead of Philadelphia [noparse]>.<[/noparse]
    Ferghus must've helped make the event, cuz somebody's hand was slippin when they assigned the answer to that question ;)

    Standard Nexon QC Yo!
  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    edited February 16, 2017
    some questions REALLY need fixed. I've already seena few questions that are half a question and have (incomplete) at the end.

    there was a question that was literally just "2 hydrogen" .... WTF

    there was another question "President Lincoln appeared on the american [Sic]" ..... WHAT. it was false but how was anyone supposed to know that?

    technically these aren't questions, they're factoids but whatever
  • SamuelalexSamuelalex
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,350
    Posts: 430
    I feel like some of the questions the majority of the mabi population won't know because they are culture references or passing fads (things that are popular for awhile but don't always remain such). Like for example I got a question about the game called Half Life and what the boss's name I have a 50% chance of guessing right, but I never played the game and barely even know of it so it seemed a bit odd that everyone is expected to know this (without using wiki). Mabi uses 100% of my memory and 100% of my CPU to run so I can't open browser and switch back and forth between mabi and wiki without causing one thing to crash or the other.

    As my guildie Sphyra suggested: The quiz should only include mabinogi related questions so that way majority of the players can have a chance at answering. People would learn some interesting facts about the game and maybe some background information, but at the same time I'd say more people could relate to questions being asked about a game they are actively playing rather than something popular awhile back targeting only a small amount of people.

    Make the quiz Mabi trivia not everything else trivia people may or most likey won't know about.
  • badnewsbarrettbadnewsbarrett
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,890
    Posts: 519
    edited February 16, 2017
    My suggestion about incomplete questions is maybe post on the announcement page and let them know about it, and what questions it's happening in? If I remember correctly, the last time we got the event they actually were letting players tell them what questions were broken and stuff for that reason, whether they were ever fixed or not, I can't say :/

    Also @Samuelalex do you have a phone or tablet you can use to open the wiki on? That's what I do is just keep the wiki open on my phone instead of switching back and forth on my laptop. Seems a lot quicker this way tbh.
  • DaktaroDaktaro
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,335
    Posts: 282
    there was a question appear in alexina ch7 are the members of the beatles john lennon paul mccartney george harrison and ringo starr but for some reason mabi thinks this is false and literally everyone stood on true and got kicked out lol what the heck
    is it supposed to be a trick question cuz they disbanded i don't get it
  • GoryouGoryou
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,115
    Posts: 13
    It's always been like that though, previous OX Quizzes had questions not pertaining to Mabinogi whatsoever. It's been that way for so long, sigh. At the very least you're getting 1-5 coupons per question rather than 1 per question in those previous events.

    I do agree though that some questions need to be fixed. Example would be, "The Onion Knight is a character class in Final Fantasy Tactics." That one is true, but turns out to be false. Others such as "There have been six NASA lunar landings" is also true, but in-game it is false. O_O That annoys me.
  • SheraShera
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 31
    So even the answers we do know are wrong mabi please....... pl e a s e.........
    Either there was a problem in creating the event and lining up questions/answers or they're just very confused.
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Goryou wrote: »
    It's always been like that though, previous OX Quizzes had questions not pertaining to Mabinogi whatsoever. It's been that way for so long, sigh. At the very least you're getting 1-5 coupons per question rather than 1 per question in those previous events.

    I do agree though that some questions need to be fixed. Example would be, "The Onion Knight is a character class in Final Fantasy Tactics." That one is true, but turns out to be false. Others such as "There have been six NASA lunar landings" is also true, but in-game it is false. O_O That annoys me.

    To fix this issue, because we all know they're not gonna fix the questions any time soon, we should lessen he cost of boxes. 5 coupons for normal and 10 for the bonus.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I just follow Joe meter.... I don't even open mabiwiki OX Questions anymore lol. Totally forgot that trick with meter.
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Greta wrote: »
    I just follow Joe meter.... I don't even open mabiwiki OX Questions anymore lol. Totally forgot that trick with meter.

  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    Daktaro wrote: »
    there was a question appear in alexina ch7 are the members of the beatles john lennon paul mccartney george harrison and ringo starr but for some reason mabi thinks this is false and literally everyone stood on true and got kicked out lol what the heck
    is it supposed to be a trick question cuz they disbanded i don't get it

    Yup lost to that one

    I think some Nexon employees need to learn how to use google
    Also hit one saying apollo 11 was the 1st NASA mission to land on the moon, and the answer was false even though even Nasa says it is true. Now if they had go to the moon then yes it would have been false(and what I assume they wanted) as there were a few missions to the moon prior to test the equipment.
  • ShoogShoog
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,535
    Posts: 883
    There's a thread in B&G section about these issues with the T/F questions. If you guy can get screenies of the wrong ones, then you can post them to that thread and state what the wrong answer is so hopefully it can get corrected. Idk if I want to try the event now lol.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    My friend and somebody recently had a heated argument over triangles always being 180°.
    It was false. Not all triangles are 180° because there are wacky shaped triangles. Apparently.
    I just followed everyone else, I suck at geometry. I answered Illuminati.
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    edited February 17, 2017
    Sherri wrote: »
    My friend and somebody recently had a heated argument over triangles always being 180°.
    It was false. Not all triangles are 180° because there are wacky shaped triangles. Apparently.
    I just followed everyone else, I suck at geometry. I answered Illuminati.

    what they call "spherical triangles" which IMO are not really triangles as they don't have 3 straight sides, and are not considered triangles in Euclidean geometry which is what pretty much everyone is thought in school, and virtually everything is designed around.
  • hontoowarihontoowari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 57
    I am so tired of all of these broken events. This O-X event has got to be the absolute worst with how many incorrect answers there are to the questions. And not only do questions not match up with the answers, but they always pop up as question 2-3 so I wind up getting about 4 tickets max. This has been the 6th time today this has happened. Why even run an event if it's going to be this bad?
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Looking up what a young hedgehog is called, it said it is sometimes called piglets. Is there a grey square I can stand on?
  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Oh man, yesterday, the XO quiz dun goofed up and EVERYONE picked O. Turned out the answer was X. EVERYONE got booted out. And I mean EVERYONE!!


    Everyone except me because I was following the Joe meter. I was the last one standing for the next 8 rounds... RIP Mari Ch2.
    (Then I crashed the next game because Mabinogi found out I cheated da system. :V)
  • hontoowarihontoowari
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 57
    So who else thinks this is the most broken event yet? Out of 10 runs yesterday I had 7 where a question was incorrect either on Mabi or the Wiki.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited February 18, 2017
    I just lost some coupons because Nexon thinks that water does not freeze at 0 Celsius. Everyone was kicked out from there and only 1 guy got lucky for deciding to go against herd lol. That was funny.

    I also get really annoyed when people start to massively hit Joe's.... It really messes up meter and i sometimes can't tell which square is correct plus it makes us get mostly 1-2 coupons when people start doing that.
  • lidiyalidiya
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 335
    Xiokun wrote: »
    Oh man, yesterday, the XO quiz dun goofed up and EVERYONE picked O. Turned out the answer was X. EVERYONE got booted out. And I mean EVERYONE!!


    Everyone except me because I was following the Joe meter. I was the last one standing for the next 8 rounds... RIP Mari Ch2.
    (Then I crashed the next game because Mabinogi found out I cheated da system. :V)

    Started using the joe meter today
    Greta wrote: »
    I just lost some coupons because Nexon thinks that water does not freeze at 0 Celsius. Everyone was kicked out from there and only 1 guy got lucky for deciding to go against herd lol. That was funny.

    I also get really annoyed when people start to massively hit Joe's.... It really messes up meter and i sometimes can't tell which square is correct plus it makes us get mostly 1-2 coupons when people start doing that.

    Agree with them hitting the joes.