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*Google Translated
◎ Notes ◎
* If there is not enough space in the inventory, the item will be moved to the temporary inventory.
(If you do not clean up in less than 5 minutes, please use the item after the item is dropped And there just clean up the inventory.)
* Possible transactions without Relics items paid basic compensation is limited, and
auction fee discount coupons and golden fruit of the experience raised is one Trading is possible only once .
* Auction fee discount coupons can be used to receive payouts.
(If you accidentally select the auction fee discount coupon, you can't recover it.)
* Special Magic When you wear a librarian's costume (male / female), a special motion is triggered.
* The Magic Library Librarian's Book Trunk / Book Cart can not be changed in appearance / motion card .
* After equipping the Magic Librarian's Book Cart , using the Relaxation skill will trigger a special motion.
* Comfortable rocking chairs, good rugs for reading, magic book tables, and bookshelves with ladders
cannot be used without rest skills.
* The bookshelf with the ladder is for 2 people and can be used with party members.