Catsidhe Details
-Every Catsidhe Pet comes with 3 Nyan-Nyan Gem Boxes.
-Catsidhe pets provide Milletians with beneficial effects. Upon summoning a Catsidhe for the first time, you can select 1 Life Talent that will have a Training EXP x2.0 Bonus effect applied to it whenever your Catsidhe is summoned.
-Once you pick a Life Talent for your Catsidhe to support, you cannot change it.
-Catsidhe pets have a special skill called "Piercing Howl". When used, it will temporarily leave a mark on enemies that grants additional EXP when the enemies are defeated.
-When Catsidhe pets are summoned, they use a hidden skill called "Gummy Attack". Gummy Attack stuns enemies for 5 seconds and damages them for 400-560.
-Gummy Attack will also leave 8 mini paw effects which you can run through to recover 10% HP (does not recover wounds).
-Catsidhe's range attack is called "Circle of Magic". When used, it will grant a debuff effect on the enemy.
--The debuff effect lowers Defense, Protection, and Movement Speed.
But if it had to be one of these...
Maybe Carpentry or Smithing.
Leaning towards carpentry.
Unfortunately, these 8 are the only available talents for the current Catsidhe pets. BUT, if you put it up for adoption the Life Talent will be reset and the new owner can pick another talent instead. (InGame message before confirming your choice/talent)
Maybe, it is not certain that the Pet Handling Talent will be added to the Catsidhe Pet's Talent list though.
Afaik from kr sources you can't. The Catsidhe options don't get updated for new talents. You have to choose from the ones currently available.
With that in mind, you might as well pick smithing/tailoring and get your use out of it then resell the pet or forget about it. I guess there's always the possibility they could go back and update old content... but they're more likely to just release another new pet which gives pet handling 2x training.
Like all other Crafting talents, it is really expensive and takes a lot of time to grind up to a decent rank. I cant compare it to Tailoring or Carpentry since i havent spent a lot of time with those two but, i got to R5 Smithing and R1 Reforging and it costed me nearly half a year and over 8 million gold in materials and blueprints + grinding the dungeons etc for materials. (not fun..)
So having a pet that halves that time is a godsent for me. ^^"
You can summon a alpaca pet in commerce if you have one
No. You only use the Alpaca to access a unique Alpaca mount at the Commerce Buying Screen with the Goblin before beginning to commerce.
The alpaca is then desummoned, with your Alpaca commerce mount doing nothing different from the thoroughbred other than more commerce inventory and carrying capacity.
Same thing with commerce partners.
Nope, the Commerce partner can actually run around with you and help you fight. They wont despawn during commerce.
Reminding me of my regrets, I really should have bought one of those when I had the money to spare XDD
That is interesting though, I thought the alpacas we summoned were actually used. Huh, notes.
The rest just aren't as cumbersome and inconvenient as Smithing is, so they're not really worth considering- Save maybe Cooking, but even that one can be trained very easily with just a few exp buffs. (Level 200 + Life x2 Pot + Complete x2 Pot + Talent x2 is what I used to go from r4 to r1 a few days ago.)
Maybe Tailoring too, but I can't really comment on Tailoring though... My memory of Tailoring just involves failing Headbands a lot to get to r1.
I'm pretty much on semi-hiatus so this new update flew under my radar but this is such a missed opportunity to make an official summoner class.
Just sayin.
Blacksmith talent only has its own skill that is really problematic to rank, while with tailoring you have both Tailoring itself and weaving.
Sheep shearing is also technically grindy, but at least its requirements mostly stay the same, unlike weaving.
Refining and Mining are easy to rank in comparison. Metallurgy just costs you time and sieves.