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Confused about spirit weapon
So, I'm going on the hard grind to level my spirit weapon, getting him through the levels but I'm finally caving and spending gold to get a Heliodor cause I feel like at this point I need one. But I don't want to be doing something wrong, so when I go to give him the gem it says "This only applies for a level up" the way it says it and the way it pops up is, as if I can use it to get multiple levels instead? Is that possible to use a gem to get more than one level at once since it's obviously giving enough experience for way more than one level and I'm just being blind about it?
I'd save the favored gems for when your Ego asks for them specifically for their EP quests.
And at the prices people charge for gems, it's cheaper to just buy Potion Making Kits or Rolling Pins from NPCs and spam feed your ego THOSE for levels.
Emphasis on cheaper.
Using Potion Making Kits as a reference point:
10cm normal gems (like Ruby or Jasper) are worth the equivalent of ~16k gold.
10cm Diamonds are worth the equivalent of ~198k
I don't have an exact value for 10cm preferred gems, because screw feeding Egos those expensive things until I absolutely need to, but at the prices people sell them, Kits and Pins are definitely cheaper, and in much easier supply.
And since, as mentioned, you can't go up multiple levels at once, it's definitely a good idea to not use that gem you got just yet.
This is exactly what i figured, just the way nexon worded the pop up confused me. And I never bothered with egos WAY back in the day either so my knowledge on them is zero. I'll do Potion making kits or rolling pins. Trying to feed gems right now is just absurd with people selling them for 60-90k or even more per pop then 2+mil for a single preferred. Thank you very much
Oh, unsure if your character is a human, but humans who are allied with Elves or Giants get a discount when shopping at NPCs of that race. (i.e. A Giant allied human would get a discount on rolling pins at Wanst) which can cut down the cost of feeding further.
And of course there's the option of doing all your purchasing/feeding on a Wednesday, since that's also a discount. (that stacks with the discount for allied humans if applicable).
And just to be complete, anything over an NPC-sold value of 1k gives the same EXP as one that costs exactly 1k (24 at 100 Bond).
So you can't speed things up by, like, feeding your Ego a 400k Brigandine. That'd still only give 24 EXP, unfortunately.
I might be wrong but i believe theres a higher chance during rain. But even then its difficult, I've done some metallurgy for the daily point system and almost everyday it gives me 30 ores to get via metallurgy and I don't reroll it cause easy and i might get gems, but over the past couple weeks I've only gotten two gems and they were 1.34cm somethin small. It's not easy or efficient, on the wiki it says theatre missions have a chance to drop 10cm gems which is probably a better route if you want them. But to level my spirit i've been feeding it rolling pins like suggested above and it's working but its an investment not only in time since it takes forever but also gold. At least 200k per level for my spirit weapon but its better then paying for gems. This ego system is barely any better then the last, I wish we could actually level it up through gameplay and not just gold like before.