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Update to NX Credit Purchase Policy
Hello Milletians,
We've made some changes to our NX Credit purchase policy. This change will restrict certain in-game trade-related actions after charging NX Credit for the first time and when certain other criteria is met.
After a player who meets this criteria purchases items from the Cash Shop, a 7-day timer will be placed on their account that will prevent them from trade-related actions in game. Players will be notified in-game when attempting the restricted trade actions.
Please note that this will not affect any prepaid purchases.
-The Mabinogi Team
If you meet unspecified criteria upon purchasing goods, you will have unspecified trading restrictions placed upon you.
This vague threat of unspecified danger, upon unspecified criteria, makes me very much afraid to purchase using credit.
I'm sure that if you're a legit player, and you are not buying NX with stolen credit or refunding it after a certain amount of time like certain bot-shaped people, you have nothing to worry about.