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Run towards the puzzle! Season 2 Event
I know there's a lot of other prizes gotten along the way, but it's funny to think of all the buildup leading to a little picture frame you can plop on your homestead.
Eidos? Clothing? Trans?
Nah, that's probably too complicated.
only a 116 days long daily login
well that's boring :P
Well, what other way can a digital puzzle be done? I think people would rage if you got a piece, once a day and had to place on the board yourself.
I get where you are coming from, it wasn't really a puzzle for us to figure out.
Thank god though. XD
Yes, it would be more interesting. Maybe you can get a piece every day like normal and still get prizes but don't need to actually complete puzzle.
Only players that complete it would get the painting (you could rotate pieces like homestead editing).
Please feel free to lock but don't delete. Thank you and I'm sorry.