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Not even 5 minutes and someone got the legend weap
My goodness, a bot won the Divine Lance is not funny you know.
A alt owned by someone.
It always was.
On the other hand think of how much of the money supply was destroyed by this event; maybe that's what its' real purpose is for?
How was it destroyed?.....What did I miss xD
Speaking of missing things, side note, any idea who got the doll bag this morning? I apparently slept through it XD
Huh. Well if he's an actual player GG.. That's lucky XD
If that's true, this is damn wholesome.
I swear this event could contest for a new category of speed running.
at-least you get your 30k back...
Meaning it's easier to abuse it with alts.
Almost made 5, doesn't seem to have been either the lucky channels this time though
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but can't you exchange gold for better odds at winning?
You can, but if the item is received before your paid queue it gets refunded, and you likely won't make it to your second ticket