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Not even 5 minutes and someone got the legend weap
Does the winner get their gold back?
Wish I could tell you TT-TT
YES, Ok see THAT would of been the BEST solution! GENIUS. Make the items from this event UNTRADABLE. That will get rid of the alts real fast.
But carry on with the stick beating. Doubt Nexon NA will even care since Korea designed/approved these events.
Wot do you mean too much work and grind?
Surely your geared enough to get these?
Wot do you mean its too much RNG?
Id thought you would of known this game is overrun with RNG?
Wot do you mean you hate RNG?
Then why are you even here?
Wot do you mean you want Nexon to hear your suggestions?
It had been years but no change = w =