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Nexon Launcher not working?

Mabinogi Rep: 975
Posts: 10
in Technical Support
Nexon Launcher will not show up on screen for me, anybody else having this issue?


  • austeezyriceausteezyrice
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Posts: 3
    Me too! After the Loading Nexon Launcher finishes pop-up finishes up, the launcher fails to open up for me
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    Check if launcher process shows up on Task Manager.
    Also try disabling antivirus programs that may be preventing launch.
  • LunisciaLuniscia
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Post: 1
    I am also having that issue. Anyone Have an idea what to do? Also Are the ones having that issue also on Windows 10 I have a inkling.
  • NerdyliciousNerdylicious
    Mabinogi Rep: 975
    Posts: 10
    edited May 13, 2020
    Well glad to see i'm not the only one having this issue but it sucks others have to deal with this as well. Nexon Launcher does indeed show up in the processes under task manager and i tried disabling my anti virus and it still does not work. I am trying to download Mabinogi since i just got a new PC and this is extremely annoying. Also yes i am using windows 10 .
  • NerdyliciousNerdylicious
    Mabinogi Rep: 975
    Posts: 10
    Well glad to see i'm not the only one having this issue but it sucks others have to deal with this as well. Nexon Launcher does indeed show up in the processes under task manager and i tried disabling my anti virus and it still does not work. I am trying to download Mabinogi since i just got a new PC and this is extremely annoying. Also yes i am using windows 10 .

    Well i think i figured it out maybe, i downloaded nexon launcher into documents instead of program files and it worked after a couple tries but not sure if i just got lucky but thought i'd share if any one was still having problems.
  • TimefallTimefall
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 146
    I experienced this problem recently as well. On each attempt to open the launcher, it would try, but soon fail with no displayed error. Task Manager confirmed that the process was exiting, and the launcher wasn't already open. I tried many times and all failed.

    I attempted an hour or two later, without doing anything differently, and it was working again. I haven't experienced the issue since.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    Yes, well, this happened on one of my other systems, from which point I uninstalled then re-installed the launcher.
    Re-installing seemed to fix the issue. They apparently added more languages in which the Launcher can be displayed (even Русский!).