Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Composers of Mabinogi

Mabinogi Rep: 1,205
Posts: 20
edited July 27, 2020 in Nao Chat

I'm Iris. (Blackiris576)

Few months back, I started composing some MMLs and I used to sell them on Dunby ch1. However, it wasn't a good source of gold, so I have moved on... lol

Anyhow, I have decided to post all of my MMLs on my blog: IRIS MUSIC. Originally, I was going to post on Musical Nexus, but it turns out that the site is closing down on August 1st.

Although I am opening my MMLs for everyone, I hope I don't see any player posting my MML on the bard board without my permission. If you recognize anyone abusing my MMLs on the bard board, please notify me. Otherwise, have fun with music!!



Also, if anyone's been posting their MMLs on their own blog, this would be a nice thread to post your links. (If you are willing to share!)
