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I got the game again after a few years and need to free up inventory space :’D Please tell me how much you want to pay! I have no idea anymore > <; my ign is Belphiie if you’d rather message me in-game
I’m also wanting to trade my elucidator for enuma elish ea ;^;
-flashy dyes
-fixed metal dye #FFBF00
-fixed pet dye #0000CD
-cute date wig (f)
-cute date wig and hairpiece (f)
-birman marching uniform (m)
-erinn world championship outfit (m)
-eirawen shoes
-panda umbrella
-frog umbrella
-scarlet hummingbird wings
-elegant lamellar shoes
-morrighan puppet (flashy)
-alpaca mascot head
-kousai’s cor outfit (m)
fox crow hagi’s shuriken
-refining training potion
-cow fynni pet whistle (level 84+85)
-fez mini gem
-tia mini gem