Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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KR Mabi seems to be doing something with Vales...


  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    lol they re-added the ability to stomp in the exact spot you want to stomp XD Never understood why they removed that. This update sounds pretty good! Now all they need to do is nerf FH

    oh and is this everything or is there more to come later? :0 any pics of the weapons or armor or shield?
  • NearlyNearly
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,355
    Posts: 104
    Xiokun wrote: »
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    -link removed-

    -Wind Guard
    • Loads instantly
    • Skill duration is displayed on screen
    • Giants are able to move and switch equipments during skill duration
    • Giants are able to use Wind Breaker regardless of equipment
    • Following skills are available for use during Wind Breaker duration
    All close combat skills
    Full Swing
    Mana Shield
    Spell Walk
    Transformation/Demi God
    Charge and Full Swing is not affected by cool down during Wind Breaker
    • Full Swing will decrease durability if used in Wind Breaker

    • Minimum/Maximum target is increased for each ranks
    • More powerful enemies can now be taunted
    • Taunted enemies will be in Raged status effect
    Raged effect will give enemies increased movement speed but decreased damage and magic attack
    • Fixed issue where enemies in great distance could be taunted
    • Fixed taunt target conflict with other giants in the range
    • Training requirement for rank A has been made clearer

    • Stomp usage can be specified with mouse position and click
    • Stomp damage now takes character's balance and critical rates
    • Stomps effective range is visually indicated
    • Fixed issue for Stomp's effective range

    -Added Equipment for Giants
    • Northern Flawless Hammer
    Set effect is identical to current set effect for CRK
    • Northern Flawless Blade
    Smash Enhancement 5
    Charge Enhancement 5
    Slightly higher max compared to FGS
    • Northern Flawless Shield (Giant only)
    Smash Enhancement 5
    Charge Enhancement 5
    • Gigantic Noblesse Armor Set (Giant Only)
    Absorption set same to Milia
    • New Items are crafted through Engineering

    Final Swing!
    Here's a video showing a little more.

    The video doesn't work unfortunately.

    And... CRK-Hammers??? :D Point n Click stomp so I can stop stomping at the wrong dang place?! This is GREAT!

    Bash enhanced hammers? Finally.

    My god, if all this is true we will literally become walking tanks.


  • ArjuneArjune
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,900
    Posts: 1,752
    Nearly wrote: »
    My god, if all this is true we will literally become walking tanks.


    Well we still won't be able to tank HM alban mobs or phantasm or anything like that unless they tweaked that part of the skill, but it's still really nice for that skill to actually be useful again. Not being able to move, and only being able to use windmill and taunt made the skill really worthless

  • XiokunXiokun
    Mabinogi Rep: 11,100
    Posts: 887
    Arjune wrote: »
    Nearly wrote: »
    My god, if all this is true we will literally become walking tanks.


    Well we still won't be able to tank HM alban mobs or phantasm or anything like that unless they tweaked that part of the skill, but it's still really nice for that skill to actually be useful again. Not being able to move, and only being able to use windmill and taunt made the skill really worthless

    Don't forget dem hammers *u*
  • RoyRedRoyRed
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,140
    Posts: 162
    -Spoiler Alert!-Now KR Mabinogi has done it,the website post a new content of the game,you can now able fly at Tir Chonaill,Dugald Aisle,Dunbarton&Gairech Hills;but no flying content at Emain Macha,Sen Meg Plains,Morva Aisle,Port Ceann&Bangor. Still not enough flying areas,I need more flying areas or there's a reason of those leftover areas are not flyable?The content is available at KR Mabinogi!Post your thoughts about the content.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    This will certainly allow us to save time since those dastardly natural barriers made us have to run the long way. I'm looking at you, river-in-Tir Chonnail! And you too, Spiral Hill!
  • LeineiLeinei
    Mabinogi Rep: 16,560
    Posts: 2,544
    Yes, I saw this somewhere! It's about time! =D

    Hopefully we'll get this soon. Regarding as why the areas aren't flyable is it might take them a while to construct that area mechanic and they're doing it in parts. Sen Mag and Emain Macha are pretty big areas, so they're probably more difficult to work around.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    I am all up for reworking areas, though I cannot see a reason to make them fly zone.
  • SpiritikaSpiritika
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,415
    Posts: 45
    Arjune wrote: »
    you can now FLY in Dunby, Tir, Dugald Isle, and the area between bangor and dunbarton

    Oh, nice! :)
  • BerryswirlBerryswirl
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,340
    Posts: 798
    Tory Ravine has definately been closed for too long...
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Berryswirl wrote: »
    Tory Ravine has definately been closed for too long...

    I want that area opened and it being an actual full out ravine to explore.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    edited February 25, 2017

    Old video seems to have been taken down, probably due to the music it had or something.
    Anyways, here it is again.
  • NearlyNearly
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,355
    Posts: 104
    Iyasenu wrote: »

    Old video seems to have been taken down, probably due to the music it had or something.
    Anyways, here it is again.

    Ohohohoooo, All those Wind Guard perks.
    It's a shame Taunt may still not work though.

  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Thought it was interesting that Wind Guard allows the use of Full Swing even outside of Beast Mode.
  • Clovis15Clovis15
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,780
    Posts: 213
    edited February 27, 2017
    The lack of flight in Bangor doesn't much bother me, since there'd be very little reason to ever fly in Bangor. Emain Macha, however, would've been cool to have.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    Maybe if they conglomerated Bangor, Gairech, and Morva Isle's maps.

    But both Bangor and Morva Isle alone are probably too tiny for flying for more than a second lol.

    Though maybe I just like the idea of Uladh being open with each area, like Iria's regions are.
  • NearlyNearly
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,355
    Posts: 104
    How I imagine I would feel after the update launches.

    XiokunHiroki05SylviaWolfe[Deleted User]AlexisEU
  • AlukinaAlukina
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 26
    edited March 1, 2017
    I'm a human btw so I don't care either way but it seems kinda weird to do one and not the other.

  • MilkypockyMilkypocky
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,410
    Posts: 24
    perhaps elves will get a rework after the giant renewal
    as an elf player, i hope so
  • AlukinaAlukina
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 26
    Milkypocky wrote: »
    perhaps elves will get a rework after the giant renewal
    as an elf player, i hope so

    I used to be an elf player too so for the sake of my former pointy-eared bretherin I also hope there is an elf rework. May Neamhain be with u... -sprinkles flowers-