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Because the soul stream wills it.
Wow, showing real colors there aren't ya? Not really smart thoughts as well. This thread can't be counted as spam or necro-bumping, you have no idea, do you?
When the 2019 merge happened there was a massive cockerel-up with respect to duplicate names. This is because the game uses character name with server of residence as our character record's primary key. Primary Key's have to be unique for every record in the database. When the servers were merged records containing duplicate names, which had existed copacetically on different servers, were no long unique. So, the "+server" tag was appended to character names to make them unique once more. Some folks had aesthetic issues with this and Nexon responded by offering free, and then paid, name change. If a final merge were to happen now, it would follow the same process as the previous merge giving two scenarios:
1) Since the residents of Nao had already had to withstand the naming issues, then their names are declared inviolate and Alexina characters only would have tags applied. This would be unfair to Alexina characters since they would be denied any chance at getting their unmodified name back, post merge, through the lottery that Nao users went through.
2) The merge happens just as it did before with "+Nao" and "+Alexina" tags being applied. This would be unfair to Nao characters as they would have to be put in jeopardy yet another time.
This is a zero-sum situation where someone loses. But it's worse than that. Because of paid name change, people on Nao AND Alexina have purchased names. But what about names people have paid for, are they exempt? Nexon would have to add a hidden field to each character record to indicate if it is a paid-for name. That should not be an impossible task. From their purchase records they should be able to reconstruct the data. Both the Paid Name Change text and the Name Change text say nothing about Nexon retaining the right to alter a purchased name of their own accord. But what if two different people have bought the same name on both servers then it is impossible to reconcile this situation. In other words, as things presently stand, merging Alexina, to be nice, is going to step on toes. This is why myself and others said that a partial and incomplete merge was the worst-case scenario. Once again Nexon is opaque on this.
All finger pointing aside, what happens then if Alexina's numbers dwindle to critical ones? Given paid name change, CAN Nexon merge Alexina in? The answer is yes. There are two reasons:
1) The Terms of Service and End User License Agreement section on indemnities (section VIII) allows them to because it makes it clear that even though you paid for your name you don't own the character sequence that populates the name field of your character record.
2) There is already an establish precedent for Nexon altering paid-for names. When you create a character with a paid-for character card you have paid for that character, including it's name. Such characters had their names altered in the 2019 merge, establishing a precedent.
So, while the database is set-up as it is Nexon is not going to merge Alexina in unless it has to, and if it has to it will.
Moving forward Nexon can move away from using character name and server of residence as the primary key to, say, record number. Record numbers are unique. Of course this will require work including new code. Completed this would allow Nexon to merge without issue, but it would also allow for unlimited renaming. This would dramatically change the market size for name change since anyone and everyone could be called Goku or Kitsune or whatever. Hear that Nexon? MORE MONEY!!!!
Oh right...oh crap. I didn't think of that. There were people who used the PAID name change service on Nao. Yeah they are right, this would essentially rip them off of that money. Now they can never merge Alexina, unless Alexina is willing to forfeit their ign's entirely. rip.
And we can't do the last solution because reputations would be on the line. rip rip rip. smh.
It's because they're trying to cover up the fact that it originally said 'PURGE ALEXINA'.
The ToSEULA is clear, Nexon can do whatever it wants, but whatever it does and however it does it will result in belly-aching from someone. Even the solution where they alter how the database is set up will result in complaints as some folks won't like that their name is no longer unique; I consider this the least troubling, overall, of all the scenarios. If Nexon was to make the necessary changes, as I outlined, then a merge is a nothing-burger. They could even make the merge using the 2019 method, either scenario, if they also announced that soon afterwards unlimited naming would come into effect, then the whole naming inconvenience thing would only be temporary.
Yeah, those on Nao already shouldn't have to go through the name change process again. If they need it, buy it.
And we can't have duplicate names with unique serials because reputations would be put at risk from trollers. Basically we can't have a dozen Crimsons running around.
That is a completely reasonable idea but at the same time since Alexina was left out of the 2019 merge it would mean they would have no chance at their name, after a final merge, in the way that the original folks of Nao did. So, they would argue against that and would be just as reasonable in doing so. This is why the partial merge was a big mistake; it should have been a full merge or none at all. This situation is neither the fault of Naowegians or Alexinans.
No, with unlimited names that would not be the case. In the real world if we meet someone and want to speak to them in the future we exchange numbers; it would be the same in-game. We would be differentiated by these numbers. Say, hold down the alt key and where your name displays is replaced by, lets call it, your "fone number" instead. If I want to send a note to a particular Crimson I would send it to the correct fone number. People selling stuff would say things like "NM FN 987654321". In Dunby Square, the chat log would show:
If they leave it to the last minute there will be more problems, of course, but that's the case for anything. Since Alexina is "healthy enough", at the moment, they have the time to QA the heck out of it internally and maybe even leave it to only one person to work on, for now, rather than the whole team in a panic at the last minute.
Yeah I don't believe that bleep either.
I mean we STILL have +server characters out there.
I don't understand, what does folks on Nao still having server tags in their name have to do with whether Alexina has above critical activity? By "healthy enough" I meant that there is more activity on it right now than what the best pre-merge member of Nao had. It is noticeably less than it was before the merge but still above the critical levels of the other servers, Since Nexon was adverse to a merge until 2019, this attitude, with the fact that the 2019 partial-merge created a mess, with the fact that the present activity numbers of Alexina, give them the excuse to not act, for now, means that they now have the time to figure a way out of the corner they've painted themself into, which they must, given the fact that a full merge is one day inevitable.
Welcome to internet: a place where teenage boys, and older ones that have yet to grow up, have ready access.
I feel lucky then, the most I've seen is them clumped around Suya like chicks around a mama hen trying to get warm-
It's not THAT scary. Black robing is scary. This...this is just a griefer. I honestly find it amusing.
Anyway, it will be over once the event is over. They did the same thing when we had the pottery event. For some reason there is a dupe exploit available that allows this madness. Either way there doesn't seem to be anything they can do except ban the perps. They -attempted- to stop them with the last maintenance - but updates are usually available soon after to nullify their attempts.
It's almost like they knew this was going to happen with this event and tried to prevent it.
A- for effort.