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[KR] Revealed Abyss - Crom Bas, 2nd Update
Revealed Abyss - Crom Bas, 2nd Update:
New Weapons
The following assumes these are completely upgraded and results may vary depending on upgrade path:
One-handed Sword
Damage: 61 ~ 149
Injury Rate: 20 ~ 35
Critical Rate: 34
Balance: 51
Durability: 22
Set Effects:
-Final Hit Enhance 5 (Increases Final Hit Final Damage by 15%)
-Windmill Enhance 5 (Increases Windmill Final Damage by 15%)
Damage: 26 ~ 93
Injury Rate: 20 ~ 60
Critical Rate: 37
Balance: 32
Durability: 25
Piercing Level: 3
Set Effects:
-Crash Shot Enhance 10 (Increases Crash Shot Final Damage by 15%)
-Final Shot Enhance 10 (Increases Archery Skill Final Damage during Final Shot by 10%)
Damage: 25 ~ 35
Additional Damage: 20%
Can only be used with the Bow
Damage: 46 ~ 84
Injury Rate: 0 ~ 100
Critical Rate: 43
Balance: 20
Durability: 30
Piercing Level: 5
Effective Range: 1900
Set Effects:
-Crash Shot Enhance 10 (Increases Crash Shot Final Damage by 15%)
-Final Shot Enhance 10 (Increases Archery Skill Final Damage during Final Shot by 10%)
Damage: 17 ~ 35
Injury Rate: 20 ~ 40
Critical Rate: 35
Balance: 42
Durability: 62
Magic Attack: 55
Casting Speed: 7%
Set Effects:
-Fusion Bolt Enhance 10 (Increases Fusion Bolt Final Damage by 15%)
-Critical Damage Enhance 10 (Increases Critical Damage by 7%)
Damage: 35 ~ 55
Injury Rate: 15 ~ 25
Critical Rate: 54
Balance: 62
Durability: 50
Chain Cylinder Cooldown -3 Seconds
All Alchemy Damage +55
Max HP +110, Max MP +130, Max SP +110 (Artisan?)
Set Effects:
-Battle Alchemy Enhance 5
-Transmutation Alchemy Enhance 5
-Hero Alchemy Enhance 5
Control Bars
Damage: 46 ~ 123
Injury Rate: 10 ~ 35
Critical Rate: 41
Balance: 49
Durability: 37
Increases Control Marionette Range by 150
Chance of automatic Marionette Revival on death: 60%
Marionette Health increased by 2500
Marionette Critical Rate increased by 20
Marionette Max Damage increased by 80
Marionette Protection increased by 25
Marionette Magic Protection increased by 25
Set Effects:
-Act 2: Threshold Cutter Enhance 10 (Increases Act 2: Threshold Cutter Final Damage by 15%)
-Marionette Critical Damage Enhance 5 (Increases Marionette Critical Damage by 40%)
-Marionette Skill Cooldown Reduction 5 (Reduces Marionette Skill Cooldowns by 1~5 seconds, varies per skill)
-Marionette Stun Resistance Rate Enhance 5 (Increases Stun Resistance Rate by 75%)
Two-handed Sword
Damage: 63 ~ 155
Injury Rate: 35 ~ 60
Critical Rate: 83
Balance: 78
Durability: 32
Piercing Level: 4
Max SP +35 (Artisan?)
Set Effects:
-Final Hit Enhance 10 (Increases Final Hit Final Damage by 15%)
-Windmill Enhance 10 (Increases Windmill Final Damage by 15%)
-Final Strike Enhance 10 (Increases Final Strike's Rage Build-up by 15%)
Two-handed Axe
Damage: 24 ~ 169
Injury Rate: 1 ~ 3
Critical Rate: 36
Balance: 83
Durability: 30
Increased Splash Range and Splash Damage
Set Effects:
-Stampede Enhance 10 (Increases Melee Skill Damage after Stampede by 10%)
-Giant Full Swing Enhance 10 (Increases Giant Full Swing Final Damage by 15%)
Damage: 20 ~ 45
Injury Rate: 0 ~ 0
Critical: 40
Balance: 70
Durability: 23
Magic Attack: 55
Reduces Mana Consumption by 30%
Set Effects:
-Hailstorm Enhance 10 (Increases Hailstorm Final Damage by 15%)
-Intermediate Magic Enhance 10 (Increases Intermediate Magic Final Damage by 15%)
Damage: 55 ~ 132
Injury Rate: 10 ~ 20
Critical Rate: 27
Balance: 16
Durability: 35
Piercing Level: 8
Max SP +70 (Artisan?)
Set Effects:
-Mounted Lance Charge Enhance 10 (Increased Lance Charge Final Damage by 15% while Mounted)
Damage: 82 ~ 210
Injury Rate: 10 ~ 25
Critical Rate: 75
Balance: 65
Durability: 38
Combo Damage +65%
Cooldown Reset chance when landing a Critical Hit: 50%
Set Effects:
-Drop Kick Enhance 10 (Increases Drop Kick Final Damage by 15%)
Dual Gun
Damage: 15 ~ 83
Injury Rate: 25 ~ 60
Critical Rate: 56
Balance: 30
Durability: 24
Magazine Size: 90
Maximum Damage Increased by 12 (Artisan?)
Set Effects:
-Way of the Gun Enhance 10 (Increases normal attack Final Damage by 20% during Way of the Gun)
-Shooting Rush Enhance 10 (Increases Shooting Rush Final Damage by 15%)
Damage: 13 ~ 83
Injury Rate: 5 ~ 100
Critical Rate: 36
Balance: 37
Durability: 28
Maximum Damage Increased by 38 (Artisan?)
Set Effects:
-Kunai Storm Enhance 10 (Increases Kunai Storm Final Damage by 15%)
-Sakura Abyss Enhance 10 (Increased Sakura Abyss Final Damage by 15%)
Chain Blade
Damage: 80 ~ 142
Injury Rate: 10 ~ 25
Critical Rate: 45
Balance: 70
Durability: 26
Max Damage +25, Luck +30, Max HP +50 (Artisan?)
Set Effect:
-Chain Impale Enhance 10 (Increases Chain Impale Final Damage by 15%)
-Spinning Slasher Enhance 10 (Increases Spinning Slasher Final Damage by 15%)
Defense: 25
Protection: 15
Magic Defense: 20
Magic Protection: 15
Durability: 53
Melee Auto-Defense: 16%
Magic Auto-Defense: 16%
Ranged Auto Defense: 8%
Set Effects:
-Bash Damage Enhance 10 (Increases Bash Damage by 10%)
-Charge Enhance 10 (Increases Charge Damage and Maximum Distance by 15%)
-Durability Usage Reduction 10 (Reduces Durability Usage by 30%)
-Windmill Enhance 10 (Increases Windmill Final Damage by 15%)
Spell Book
Defensive Stats: 0
Durability: 30
Reduces Mana Consumption by 40%
Increases Max MP by 500
Increases Mana Recovery by 400%
Magic Auto-Defense: 5%
Set Effects:
-Magic Damage Enhance 10 (Increases Magic Attack by 30)