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I wouldn't mind being able to increase or decrease...er...chest size. But as long as we can decrease it too, because female children would look too....disturbingly terrifying... with bigger chests. I really really don't want that, I think it would bother me too much.
Yeah I believed that your breasts should grow as your character ages?
Also Siren has no boobs, so we should be able to have that option.
the only thing I ever eat in game is when I gotta lose weight quickly because of collection journal: 20 pumpkins and 5-ish corn teas / one diet pot should do the trick in 5 minutes flat.
That said I've never really bothered with food in general, my pets all starve and my partners just have an inventory full of bread for when they start complaining XD
So far it seems;
Lemon; +1
Salt-Grilled Sweetfish +2
Are the easiest.
*To lose weight you need to deplete your Stamina bar then eat around 1 to 5 pieces of food. The best way to deplete Stamina is life skills yet be sure not to level up since that will make your character reset the Stamina bar to full capacity.
*Do not eat when the Stamina bar is full, or you will gain weight or just gain a temporary stat boost.
*Eat only when the Stamina bar has at least 15% to 30% hunger or any food item will make the character gain weight.
*Bulking up specific levels of the character's avatar; the upper, the lower and the overall weight varies per food item.
I starve my character. And my pets. Except for my cats, I feed them.
I can't believe The Dragon Warrior plays Mabinogi.
Meh this one is ok.