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Elastic Bloom Box (Hair "Physics")
More like animated hair that activates during certain actions. This was something I honestly suggested over a decade ago with the limitations of the gaming engine in mind. But of course if I recall on forums 1.0...I got shot down by everyone. lol. This was actually what I was trying to convey to the community at the time. Oh well, the important thing is that it's here now (soon) and I hope they will continue to develop animated hair further.
Just to be clear; this is not real hair physics. This is animated polygons programed to activate with certain actions such as idle, walking, and running.
Regardless, it is still pretty neat though. I love the ingenuity with such a limited system. I know they have dabbled with this before in the past, but it was just for idle animations and also it was very subtle. (In before we get ignorant comments about updating the engine.
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Also this is going to be a neat item. Maybe now I can finally have that giant LAKE on my homestead that I have always wanted instead of a dinky puddle excuse for a pond. Would be cool if this was fishable.
I'm gonna surround my house in a moat! :O
That fall train station for your homestead is interesting.
Yeah it's got some interesting aesthetics
I agree with that, hopefully it will catch more new player attention. I am actually surprised by the number of new players (Nao) is getting.