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Closed Two Sentence Horror Story: Mabinogi Edition
Then disaster struck, and I fed my Ego all my items in my Etc tab!
-IGN: Sorapandora
-Server: Alexina - the spooky scary dead server.
Server: Alexina
IGN: Alaguesia
- IGN: Kamekazu, Server: Nao
IGN: Valheima
Server: Nao
IGN: Noss
Server: Nao
I think his legs were chopped off.
IGN: Goryou
Server: Nao
-IGN: Pionya, Server: Alexina
But suddenly, along the way, I realized that the only usual 2H sword elves can wield is the Soluna Blade.
IGN: Sonic7
Server: Nao
He hasn't appeared on my friends list since then but I keep getting weird notes that read,
"All fun and games until someone gets hurt,
-Altai, Nao
IGN: Goktin
Server: Alexina
"Ow!.... Did Ferghus just bite me...wait a second... have I been taken to a time-line during the second night cause I failed somehow even after stopping the seven nights??!"
Server: Alexina
IGN: Nivya
Server: Nao
IGN: Tatsugi
But wait...where'd everybody in my party go?"
- Meyki, Nao
Anarchyxx, Alexina
"nah rank 6 enchant scrolls don't poof"
Nao server
Scarletblade - Nao
Happy Halloween
Minokun - Nao