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Halloween Event Moon Dream & Moon Night Tracker
I like the aethestics of this outfit. I really like the sleeves and have been wanting something like this for a long time actually. Reminds me of my old outfit from SL when I used to role play as a vampire (lol). But this set has some real Vampire Hunter D vibes going on. I love it. I guess I better start saving up now jic this is released this month because gachas are usually released ahead of content schedules when it comes to NA.
Damn not a good time to be poor. I just dropped all my gold for a dblade. I am definitely going to skip the Midnight Agent outfit after seeing this.
I mean the house we're getting this year is pretty halloweenie.
This one just looks gothic as opposed to the other one that has decorations all over it. I may actually switch out my wisteria for this one.
Also they might call this set Moon Night Hunter or even Moonlight Hunter as opposed to the literal english google translation. lol.
That house looks more like it came from Rabbie Phantasm.
And, as for the event, they're re-running it? Or this is the first time they've gotten it?