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Fynn Pet Rest Effect ignores performance settings

Mabinogi Rep: 1,890
Posts: 63
edited December 4, 2021 in Bugs and Glitches
Fynn Pets, while resting, will have the unsimplified Demigod effect active regardless of performance setting. This effect is extremely taxing on performance. With smaller pets, it's likely no big issue, but in simple tests, I have found that some pets (in my test, Spirit of Tuan) chop my frame rate by more than half while the effect is active. The effect should logically be turned off if the player has "Simplify all characters" enabled in their performance settings.

This oversight opens up several negative scenarios. In normal gameplay, this shouldn't affect too much, though pets tend to randomly sit down if they haven't had to catch up to their owner for a while. This can happen in combat, with the sudden frame drop being quite jarring.

The actual concern for me, though, is the possibility of a group of people all simultaneously using high-detail Fynn Pets at once, in order to purposefully lag other player's clients into oblivion.