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Major changes feelfree to discuss
First make it so we can select multiple things while sorting inventory opening a trade window this 1 click per 1x+gems makes people not want tolog in.
Allow shields to be used as weapons and add a skill set for it.
allow application of motions to olditems.
fix it so Humans cannot dual wield axes blunts etc
make all Gauntlets gauntest and helms upgradable
Less (event) or untradeable items
allow us to move more than one item at a time!!!!!!!
Marvel crossover?
Necromancer tallent
viking talent
less special clothes and clothing gacha bring back the old way of clothing boxes.
find a way to lower market prices.
make an option for those who want to have fun but don't want to pay 80m for an outfit possible fix it expandable rental system for item and clothing.
Some how separate life skills so that if we want to play our character a specific way we arenotforcedtoranklifeskills for stats
I also feel like Nexon Na and Neon Korea is saying f mabinogi's history so old items gods places events are abandoned
please make this game less pay to win i love mabinogi despite how much i moan and complain im only trying to help.
event or service allowing people to change transformation and now all transformations are race unlocked.
More fkey hotkey rows
i have gone into much more detail in previous posts.
Yep, add ctrl and shift key selection.
If it were a talent that was on par, in damage dealing, with other talents, tha'd be silly. I'd like the talent to be primarily a set of defensive skills instead. I suppose a skill like a quick punch with the shield could have some damage but mostly I'd think of it as inducing a stunning effect. A good idea but rather than yet another offensive talent, make it the second defensive talent - after construct alchemy of course
Sure why not.
I think you mean 'can'. Duel wielding is supposedly a strength thing; this is why elves can't do it. What I'd like to see is elves being able to duel wield any one-handed tool. Tools are lighter than weapons, so it doesn't break canon and it gives a reason to actually get the damage upgrades on tools. Seeing an elf with duel weeding hoes would look cool, I think. I'd like humans being able to duel wield anything an elf can plus anything that is one handed to them and even allow mixing: gladius and mace. I'd like the same for giants. Allowing them to duel wield anything a human can but also anything that is one-handed to them.
Go with throttle up on that.
For sure.
This is a repeat of your first suggestion.
If it floats your boat, why not. On the other hand that's Disney and it's probably best to stay clear of them.
We had a couple upgrades to Close Combat and close combat is just another name for Viking Talent. If you have some skill ideas they could just be seconded to Close Combat.
Good luck with that. Wealth is always accumulating in the game.
That's an impossible dream. You can't expect the best clothes with no effort.
The bottom line has to come first; that's business.
I actually have my second set turned off because I don't like it being in the middle of the top of my screen; I kept accidentally clicking on stuff when I was commercing. What I'd like to see is the option to change between vertical and horizontal stacking and to be able to relocate it, then I just might use the second set.
I would love to see less non-tradeable event items, but more accurately, I would like to see less time-gated event items. Let me hoard my buffs for when I need them rather than ripping them away because I don't feel like using them right this second.
I would LOVE to see clothing boxes return because honestly, there is enough gacha. Come on guys, people would be even more willing to shell out cash if they KNEW they could get what they wanted. I know plenty of people that refuse to do gacha simply because the rng is so awful. So it would net you more customers.
I'd personally like to see dual wielding be made more viable. Due to the insane erg enhancements 2-handers get that go above and beyond the simple mix/max damage upgrades that 1-handed weapons get and the addition of splash damage on 2-handers over 1-handers...dual wielding is left sorely underpowered and thus not all that viable in later stages of the game. As a long-time dual-wielding warrior main I would love to see a balance update that gives some of the 2-hand utility and power to 1-handed weapons. I'm not necessarily saying to make them completely even power-wise. But it wouldn't hurt to make them a bite more comparable. It just feels like I am railroaded into choosing 2h whether I like it or not because without the splash and actually useful erg boosts, I am just simply not capable of putting out the necessary damage to be effective in end-game. So please. Buff dual-wielding.