Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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"Party/Dungeon/Raid Invite" Category or Discord

Mabinogi Rep: 950
Posts: 19
in Feedback and Suggestions
As the title says, I think it would be an interesting idea to have a thread/channel either on here or on the official Mabinogi Discord where players can search for / post up party invites / dungeon invites/ raid invites/ etc. Nao and Alexina servers would each have their own respective channels.


  • KagenokamiKagenokami
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,125
    Posts: 105
    The official mabinogi discord already kind of does that. It's not necessarily a dedicated channel but given how little people actually respond/interact in the discord in the first place its pretty irrelevant. That being said, it would be cool to get a queue type system into mabi. Select what content you would like to join to set the queue then go about your day and, if enough people show up, you can accept to tp to the location etc. Cause honestly, finding parties for content, especially content like MagMell that is mostly a ghost zone, is rather tedious and relies too much on people paying attention to the [party] notifications (which not many people do). Plus, would help for cross-channel grouping.