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Connous Beach Vacation 2022
Have fun in the sun in Connous Beach! Enjoy a refreshing cocktail while opening up the Vacation Box each day you log in. And don't forget to play the Fun Fun Cart mini-games to earn Magical Pieces! Check out the details
on the web post!
Event Dates: Thursday, August 4th, After Maintenance - Thursday, September 1st, Before Maintenance
M - is for the many AP; that's why I sing
O - is for the only drink for me
J - is for the joy those AP bring
I - is for how intoxicated I'll be
T - is for the time that I'll be wasting
By O - for the ocean or the sea
Put them all together they spell Mojito.
A word that means more AP for me.
It's worse than I thought. The beach looks awful now.
omg Hafgan pls
it's not a remote getaway if there are multiple trading ships coming in every hour
Special Vacation Coin=30 Vacation Coins
Mojito (Expires in 15 Days)=4 Vacation Coins
Mojito (Gain 50 AP)
In other words, instead of getting another White Elephant can I just have 1500 AP instead?
Sounds good to me! Go with throttle-up!