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Magic Spear Tournament Reorganization
It's scheduled to "go live" in Korea in May, so we'll have to wait and see if anything of the present mini-game made it into this version. Maybe it'll end up being like when the combat system changed, around the time of Fighter; it was better for the game overall, but the folks used to how it was needed to move on.
There isn't enough details yet so, for now, we have to speculate about what may happen. As such the speculation will, of course, range from "this will make things worse" to "this will be awesome; maybe even Crimsọn will finally show up, at the arena, and we can all give them the good solid poiking they deserve."
I might actually show up, so I think this is a good thing. Especially since they are updating the rewards which is something we have wanted for YEARS. The current rewards as they are are not worth the time and effort. Players mostly just passed through that content for quest purposes and never returned. This will give people a reason to participate.
You should be happy you jousting nutcase.
It might be just for the video. The recently released Korean live-stream video of jousting shows the arena looking more-or-less the same-ole-same-ole so maybe all this fancy-schmancy stuff is for the finals?
I'm going through the live-stream video now. Three of the four "skills" I think can be understood, if you don't read Korean. Racial combos are GONE. That is actually very good news as the present system favours humans over the other races and handicaps giants versus the other races. So we should see more giants and elves at the arena.
Damage is ... a little different but I don't want to comment any further on it, at this time, until I've gone over all the shown matches, in detail, and understand them better.
The live-stream shows that the match viewing signs have not been nerfed although they don't show them being used while a live match is under way. Still I'm happy about that. Without those signs ... well let's just say, I'd suddenly have a lot more free time on my hands.
... and that.
That was a rabbit hole.
But yeah wow uh I guess we'll be able to upgrade jousting skills?
It doesn't look like it. We'll know better once it goes live here, but from what I've seen, so far, the skills seem to be over-emphasised in the new game mechanic. So being able to train them to make them even stronger, I think, would be bad. There are some things that I like about this update, but there are others that give me pause.
I mean it looks like there is an upgrade system of sorts. Always gotta have an edge in mabinogi over others.
Skill 4, basically, cancels the pass. That's a binary action; either it happens or it does not. The let's plays, from Korea, show that folks using it for the very first time, were able to use it without fail, everytime. So, there is no building up of competency, in the skill, occurring. All the other skills inflict bonus damage. The amount of bonus damage has been announced. Again, the let's plays from Korea show the folks getting the full amount and without fail. So, again there is no apparent building up of competency, in those skills either. Furthermore, the videos show that everyone gets use of all the skills immediately. So, building up in a collection sense, like it is with Bard, Ninja, and Chain, for example, is not indicated. Nothing has been announce officially about the skills being trainable. For these reasons I don't think they are trainable skills; you just get them, and then you're off to the races.
Maybe they'll be announcing it. Here is the announcement for the live-stream, and here is the Twitch channel link where it will happen.
Check if skill 3 works on WS-splits.