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Pet Expeditions and Pet Houses

Mabinogi Rep: 500
Posts: 8
edited May 26, 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions
Obviously, aside from using pets in combat, many of us use pet expeditions and houses to raise our pet levels. But at the moment you have to go scrolling through all your pets to find the lower level pets which isn't precise as it would be nearly impossible to know exactly what level your pets are at any given time (unless you wrote it down and constantly updated it, which would be a pain to track).

So it would be really great if you added search parameters to the pet expedition and pet house menus. At the moment in the expeditions, if there is a required pet, it 'usually' appears at the top which is great. With pet houses, the pets with fatigue are at the top. So those would be the default settings. If you could then add sort by level (ascending and descending) and size parameters it would be really helpful in making it easier to choose which pets to send on expeditions or rest.

Maybe other people could suggest extra parameters that they would find helpful
  1. Would you like to see search options in Pet expeditions and Pet houses3 votes
    1. Yes
       100% (3 votes)
    2. No
       0% (0 votes)