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What Mabi KR Thinks About The Unreal Engine Update
Mabinogi is extremely complex and has numerous nuances. People are expecting this update to happen by the end of the year are going to sadly mistaken. You are taking an incompatible obsolete engine and going to convert it over to another one by some vague way...this is why this has not been ever done in over a decade and we just had to accept it. Also when and if this upgrade has been successfully implemented, your potato that you bought from Walmart 10 years ago won't cut it. This will force a lot of people to upgrade or quit altogether. I'm good, a lot of other players I know have more updated computers. But I know some players from eons ago that still use the same machine they started playing on from over a decade ago.
Be prepared this whole process is going to be far from an easy transition for anyone. Also just so you know those little screenshots they showed at that convention were RECREATED in Unreal. They didn't convert anything, they had to remake it. That scares me because it sounds like they are just making a whole new game. I really wish we had more information instead of just rhetoric and pretty screenshots.
Sorry to be negative but Nexon has disappointed me and many other players before with their little projects. Like with Mabinogi II and Peria Chronicles. I am still big mad about those games. Nexon is gonna have to provide more proof and information as to how they are going to take on such an ambitious project. They could just be making us hopeful again trying to squeeze a few more extra years from us.
They are taking a huge risk even attempting something like this and I agree Nexon has done some shady stuff in the past. So many things could go wrong with this project like dropping it cause it is to expensive, or the project ends up being more work than they are willing to put into it, or it could even be a lie before shutting down the game. Even if they finish it trying to add it the game could have all sorts of problems.
Although I don't fully trust Nexon KR I will admit they have done a much better job recently with good updates that matter and being a little more transparent with us. From what I hear they plan on giving a progress update at the end of the year and will continue update us on their update at the end of each year after that.
This project at least gives some hope though. If done successfully it would open up so many doors for the game. Seeing Mabinogi actually become popular again with servers full of players would certainly be a beautiful site. At the very least it gives old players something to hope and dream about, if they rip that away from us big surprise Nexon crushed our dreams again. I will seriously have a better opinion of Nexon KR if this turns out to be real and is successful though. Nexon KR may do some bad stuff but even I couldn't hate them if they bring this wonderful game back to life for us.
I want them to prove me wrong so badly. I actually do despite my massive skepticism. But as usual they drop just little unsubstantial nuggets and we are going to have to wait and see.
Updating engine = rewriting the whole game. This is going to take at least 2 years if they have enough developers. But with the engine means they get a lot of help from the software alone so maybe faster than that... Really exciting news as this could revitalize the game. It's already bringing back old/new players... Now we just need events outside of afk so people actually feel motivated to play lol
Mabi is still written in c++ a lot of the core logic wouldn't need to be changed. Just engine specific interactions. Though honestly they should redo the core logic also since it was from the get go poorly written.