Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the September Update, containing changes to Elemental Knight, Harmonic Saint, the Return of Fahmes Ruin, and more!
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Dazzling Reforging Tool Sale Fail

Mabinogi Rep: 910
Posts: 13
in Item/Premium Shop
Sale Dates: Thursday, July 20th, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 27th, 2023, Before Maintenance...
does nexon not want my money? they keep having these flash sales that end before the 1st of the month (my payday) i wold totley of tossed 100$ at this.. some of us have to wait for payday to make bad financial decisions we cant all whale on command like a trained dog... stop the few day to a week long flash sales have it for out for a month or not at all....