So you wanna get the Festia Dress which needs 3000 points BUT you are not exactly sure what games to play to get it the fastest way possible? Well here you go little buckeroo.
This list takes out the guess work and does not include practically impossible to obtain achievements which heavily lean on RNG to achieve. Good example is Hammer Slam's win or lose by 100 points achievements which have absolutely no control factor and are achieved out of pure luck or RNG. These are almost impossible because of the specific parameters required and I consider these to be a waste of time. If you happen to achieve any of those achievements along the way, good for you as it may help shave some time off. But for the intents and purposes of this guide we are not going to include or rely on those achievements.
Some of these goals or achievements can be accomplished
concurrently; meaning if you do it right you can accomplish some of these achievements at the same time of others that are available at each of these games, thus saving you time. It will help to plan accordingly to try and coordinate these goals with other players and/or friends. I have calculated the days required by dividing highest number of plays per category divided by 5 plays/tickets per day (excluding extra tickets obtained from chest boxes and fortune telling which is random).
The following is a breakdown of the total time and points needed to get the dress and is sort of a walk through to go by when trying to figure out what points you need and what you can get away with not doing. Presenting the Festia Dress speedrun walkthrough:
"Defense! Defense!" which will also achieve "What Grace!" 300 plays; Total retroactive points 578
Total Days: 60
TIP: If you get to at least round 10 then you can just afk behind the stairs of the platform towards the right closest to the river until the mobs destroy the crystal. Just make sure you kill at least one mob before hiding off in the corner or it won't count. Then you can exit that game and return to the same level with more powerful mobs and repeat the process.
2 Players
"The World's Greatest Hammer?" 200 (regular) plays; Total retroactive points - 255
"Hammer Out the Details" 100 (win) plays; Total retroactive points - 80
"It Ain't Over till it's Over" 50 (lose) plays; Total retroactive points - 30
Total Days: 40
Total Points: 365
4 Players
"Stop! Hammer Time" 100 (regular) plays; Total retroactive points - 80
"Mind Over Matter" 50 (win) plays; Total retroactive points - 30
"Oops! My Hand Slipped" 10 (lose) plays; Total points - 5
Total Days: 20
Total Points: 115
Complete Total Points: 480 - Time for Completion: 60 days
TIP: Just skip Hammer Slam's win or lose by 100 points achievements. There is no way to control your score on this game so just skip those.
2 Players
"The Last Resort" 200 (regular) plays; Total retroactive points - 255
"Champagne for My 100th Victory!" 100 (win) plays; Total retroactive points - 80
"I'm Letting You Win!" 50 (lose) plays; Total retroactive points - 30
Total Days: 40
Total Points: 365
4 Players
"I'm Too Busy Darting" 100 plays (regular play); Total retroactive points - 80
"Feel the Fury" 50 (win) plays; Total retroactive points - 30
"Win Some, Lose Some" 10 (lose) plays; Total points - 5
Total Days: 20
Total Points: 115
Specific Point Achievements:
These can be done concurrently with the respective winning and losing categories for this game. It is a RNG based but there is also skill involved and can be realistically accomplished if you can get the hang of it. Also in order to get enough points for the dress, you are gonna have to get through this part which can cause variable timeframe of completion. It is HIGHLY recommended to have a
cooperative party that knows how to play this game.
"Close Call" Win by 1 point 100 times; Total retroactive points - 100
"I Meant to Aim There" Lose by 1 point 60 times; Total retroactive points - 50
"What do YOU Know About Darts?" Achieve goal score 60 times; Total retroactive points - 50
"My Cat Threw that Dart" Disqualify yourself by exceeding the goal score 30 times; Total retroactive points - 20
"Dart Overlord" - You earned all Martial Darts achievements - 70 points
Complete Total Points: 770 - Time for Completion: 60 days (or more)
TIP: If you do everything else on this list and then do Martial Darts LAST then you might not have to do all of the skill based rng achievements for that one, especially if all you are after is the dress. I wish I did Martial Darts last because it possibly could of saved me time rather than wrestling with the rng factor of the spastic darts. Seriously Martial Darts is the longest and worst to complete.
Make sure you are paying attention to the wind direction arrow when throwing your darts. You will need to compensate a certain distance away from the desired target in order to make the mark. It's hard to explain exactly, but you will notice that when you aim for a target it doesn't exactly hit precisely where you aim and thus you'll have to figure out how to adjust the trajectory. Wind direction effects this so good luck!
Here is a list of target scores combinations:
If you put this on another screen or position it on your phone you can quickly reference it during play. (Especially helpful if your phone has kickstand attached to the phone case like mine has lol). There ARE other possible combinations not listed in this image. Improvisation could cost you days of progress if you screw up unless you are sure the math checks out.
Have the other players miss their shots off the side of the board so you can get your wins and vice-versa.
2 Players
"Master Marksman" (regular) play 300 times; Total retroactive points - 330
"Leave Me Alone" Win 150 times; Total retroactive points - 155
"We're Finished" Lose 100 times; Total retroactive points - 50
"Don't Compare Yourself to Me" Win by 100 points 100 times; Total retroactive points - 50
"Failure Forges Heroes!" Lose by 100 points 60 times; Total retroactive points - 20
Total Days: 60
Total Points: 605
TIP: If you score exactly 100 points the other player can just sit there with 0 points and it will count for your wins. Respectively this works for your losses too.
Note: I did not include the 1900+ points achievements because NOPE. You want to do them go for it, but it's not necessary for the dress. lol.
Solo Player
"I've Done What I Can" Play single target 200 times; Total retroactive points - 250
"Right in the Kisser!" Play multi-target 100 times; Total retroactive points - 80
"Fist to the Ribcage" - Complete all clobbermeister achievements - 50 points
Total Days: 60
Total Points: 380
TIP: You are not required to actually score points at this game. You can just stand in the ring until it kicks you out and it still counts. Then just rinse repeat until all your tickets are gone.
"Welcome to Festia" - First visit to Festia - 5 points
"Ugh, Too Lazy" - Rest on center landmark - 5 points
"Don't Sit Around All Day!" - Rest on center landmark until you receive a status effect - 5 points
"Quests for Days" - Complete Festia Daily Quest 10 times - 5 points
"EXP Magnet" - Complete Festia Daily Quest 50 times - 25 points
"Advanced Questing" - Complete Festia Daily Quest 100 times - 50 points
"Give it 110%!" - Complete Festia Daily Quest 200 times - 100 points
"Official Poltergeist" - Complete Festia Daily Quest 300 times - 150 points
"Spin to Win!" - Spin roulette board 10 times with roulette coins (you may skip this one, needs event) - 5 points
Obviously with that last entry this means it will take 300 days to achieve all of those Basic achievements for a total of 345 points (sans the roulette achievement). These will all be achieved concurrently with the Festia games you will be doing everyday. Seriously, come up with a concurrent plan with this breakdown to save you the most time.
So tallying up everything from those games we have: Crystal Defender 60 days 578 points, Hammer Slam 60 days 480 points, Martial Darts 60 days (or more) 770 points, Shooting Gallery 60 days 605 points, and Clobbermeister 60 days 380 points; Total is 300 days 2813 points. Some achievements depending on the order you go about them might shave off some time but basically you are looking at roughly
9-10+ months of daily effort to get the dress.
So in conclusion, if you are wondering why this dress is so expensive, THIS IS WHY. You either put forth the time and effort or PAY UP for someone else's time and effort. I hope this breakdown was helpful in some way.
You might ask, why go through all this time and effort? Well doing the Festia dailies honestly only takes a 5-10 minutes to do everyday and then you are off doing other things in no time. Profit wise this is considered a 5-10 minute chore you do everyday to eventually earn that sweet bonus payout. Now if you rely on this as your sole way to earn money, then you are not playing well because there are tons of other things you can be doing to earn gold in-game. But getting this dress will give you a nice boost down the road.
Notes: 'Retroactive points' includes points from achievements leading up to the final achievement listed for those categories. I did it this way to make it look simpler and show the minimum requirement to achieve the Festia Dress. Minimum time involved is if you play flawlessly in obtaining the listed achievements per the number of plays everyday - due to human error time frames can vary. Tail Chasers was not included in this breakdown because that game has been broken and has remained broken for years.
daysMONTHS.- Speak to Fez in Festia to get the Treasure Hunt Event quest
- Take your Mysterious Key and search the Festia grounds for the Treasure Chest that matches your key.
Chests have one random prize and a Festia VIP Pass.
10 Months =
43.48125 Weeks x Saturday and Sunday (2 days) = 86 tickets
Dear lord make sure you do the treasure hunt both days each weekend because if I am correct that can actually shave off a couple months.
Also make sure to get your fortune from the fortune teller for a possible 1 extra ticket everyday. The fortune that gives you an extra ticket is called Fickle Fate.