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The Golden Pig is back on sale. Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, this little piggy eats up gold and explodes in a shower of gold and special items, pick him up for the next two weeks!
Golden Pig
Sale Dates: Wednesday, Mar. 8 -Tuesday, Mar. 21
Price: 3,900 NX
Golden Pig Details
- Special Abilities:
-Grows in size as it is fed money
-Once the Golden Pig becomes large enough, exploding with items and gold before returning back to its original size
- Summon Time: 113 Minutes
- Additional Details:
-HP: 46
-MP: 43
-Stamina: 47
-Strength: 17
-Intelligence: 20
-Dexterity: 17
-Will: 26
-Luck: 30
-Defense: 0
-Protect: 2.0
-Speed Rating (Run): 118 / 66
-Inventory Size: 6 x 6
After feeding it an unclear amount of gold, the pig will do this exploding-looking animation. However, for as long as I've owned mine since they were first released, I've never seen it actually drop gold ore or ingots from the explosion. I've only gotten maybe only 5k gold at max. In addition, I've also gone long periods of time where feeding it will simply say something along the lines of "you should stop feeding this animal" or something.
The amount of gold it requires you feed it far exceeds the amount you get in return, so it's not even worth it, unless you just want to see the animation.
EDIT: I think the amount you need to feed it is 20k, but I don't recall exactly.
HAH! sorry about that... It is now fixed. The pig can not fly
Basically.....thank you @Raishii for explaining ^_^
Speed: Bad
Mount: No
Inventory: Small
Gimmick: Not Worthwhile
Rating: ☻☺☺☺☺
At least it's kinda cute and discounted, but there are far more useful pets that could've been (re)released.
it is not even that interesting
GIMME ST. PATRICK'S DAY DUNGEON!!! I remember getting all those green beam swords, cute four-leaf clover umbrella and even Black Unicorn O_O... That dungeon was best!
That seems to be the case, and I'm let down. 2 years I've been back and they haven't done the clover dungeon. As a guy that loves green and green weapons, there's nothing I like more than getting green weapons after punt kicking a Leprechaun.