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Event/Sale Heads-Up! 5/9/24
Hey, Milletians, it's that time again! We're here to say farewell to an event and a sale so let's get started!~
Starting with the Event portion, as usual, it's the Galaxy-Brained Study Buddy Event, though I don't know what galaxies have to do with it! I hope everyone's been filling out those study guides for Siyu, because she has some prize boxes to give out, as well as a bunch of Combat Support Boxes and Full Recovery Potions. I've been getting stacks of the latter, that's for sure. The prize boxes are also a good source of Golden Fruits, Gems and other items. So they're definitely worth nabbing! Keep up the studying! There's only two days left before maintenance!
Galaxy-Brained Study Buddy Event:
For the sale, it's the Digital Destiny Box! This gachapon features some cozy loungewear with a feline theme to the jackets if you like the outdoor variant! There are also some other tech themed items, featuring Stardust skins, Spirit Weapon Liqueurs, and some homestead items! As usual, if you like anything you see, pick up a stack! Full drop rates and list in the link below!
Digital Destiny Box:
Well, that's all for this week! Happy Gaming, Everyone!