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Event/Sale Heads-Up! 7/18/24
Hey, Milletians, it's that time again! This week we're saying farewell to some events and a sale!
For the first event, it's the long time Irusan's Check-In Attendance Event! Hopefully, everyone got their Hymerark themed prizes before this week's maintenance! There's still today and tomorrow to get your stamps in and you can buy stamps at the Kitty in Need in Dunbarton!
Irusan Check-In Attendance Event:
The next event is the Pre-G26 Check in Event! It's easy, log in, get coupons, MANUALLY STACK SAID COUPONS and you get a box with a free pet and some paint themed items in them, including totems! Don't know why they expire though. More details in the link below.
Pre-G26 Check In Event:
The sale that's ending this week is Sunbather's Paradise Box! If you like swimsuits for your characters, this is the box for you! This is a beach themed gacha so if you're ready for some fun in the sun, pick up a stack!
Sunbather's Paradise Box:
That's all for this week! Happy Gaming, Everyone!~