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City Flood Relief no longer accessible during G26

Mabinogi Rep: 100
Posts: 2
in Bugs and Glitches

I noticed this issue today as I have been slowly working on City Flood Relief for the last few months. Now that I have started G26 Part 2 it seems I can't give Shayla any further items for the quest. When I talk to her the City Flood Relief option does not come up in her dialog, even though she still has the quest indicator over her head. I did not check if this happened during Part 1 so can't speak on that. I also don't know if it came up after just the latest patch or if it happened after starting G26.

Will the option come back after finishing G26? Is this intended behavior or a bug? I am only about halfway through my contribution for the quest so want to make sure I can continue for the title/bag.



  • ElebonElebon
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,100
    Posts: 89
    Member, Administrator, Nexon
    edited August 12, 2024
    Hi @strgg

    Can you provide what quest you're currently doing on G26? I've let the QA team know, but we need a bit more info.
  • strggstrgg
    Mabinogi Rep: 100
    Posts: 2
    When the issue originally came up I was up to "Heroes out of the Blue" and was unable to see anything from Shayla.

    Now that I am up to "A Wine for All Seasons" however, it seems the option came back in her dialogue. I just checked today. So maybe it was just that one small part of G26? Either way, happy that I can continue now.