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Suggestion re: ERG unlock success rates
I recently unlocked the erg on my staff to Erg A level 46 and honestly had a difficult time doing so.
Despite the dialogue saying the base success rate was 1% it took me around 400 attempts to actually succeed so my actual success rate ended up being 0.25%. That base rate went from 1% up to 2.37% by the time I succeeded. I ended up spending over 50 million gold buying fine leather and holy water. Thankfully, I have grandmaster tailor which means that for every 100 leathers I can create 200-250 leather straps or that figure would have been even higher at 10 fine leather straps per attempt.
So my question is, is there any chance that you can update the parameters related to the success rate. For my example success rate of 1% it should take no more than 200 attempts... but also no less than 50. Doing so would even out the number of materials required for upgrades without overly affecting the amount of work required to fully upgrade the erg. This would alleviate a lot of player frustration over constant failures