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Stellar Handicraft Fragments

Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
Posts: 16
edited January 18 in Bugs and Glitches
So I've been doing the Constallation Casting Fishing pretty heavily and these things are NOT showing up in my inventory even though I have caught MANY of them. The only two I have are ones I picked up a friend dropped near me to see since I couldn't find the MANY I have caught. Like I just caught a "Hadar Fragment" while typing this and zip, zero, zilch, nada. Even the inventory search feature CAN'T find the things. Even the two I have that the friend dropped. And I've lost a good many of them to this. Kinda makes the Stellar Handicraft skill a wee bit hard to train.


  • SikelhSikelh
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 16
    I've also just caught another Hadar and an Arcturus fragment. Still nada.
  • SikelhSikelh
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 16
    And 2 Arcturus, 2 Hadar, a Canopus, 3 Altair, a Rigel, and a Polaris fragments.
  • SikelhSikelh
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 16
    And a Procyon, a Arcturus, 2 Rigel, 3 Canopus, a Polaris, a Hadar
  • SikelhSikelh
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 16
    Considering the events going on now I would say this one in particular needs kinda a wee bit of post haste kinda fix though.
  • SikelhSikelh
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 16
    Still catching more of them...still not showing up in my inventory.
  • SikelhSikelh
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 16
    Alright I found them. Apparently I had come across an anglers creel which the search function can't find them in that.
  • EthanscottyEthanscotty
    Post: 1
    Me Too. These things are NOT showing up in my inventory even though I have caught MANY of them.
  • ElebonElebon
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 91
    Member, Administrator, Nexon
    Howdy! If you have an Angler's Creel or Sturdy Angler's Creel, any items caught through Constellation Casting will be deposited into that bag first.
  • SikelhSikelh
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,360
    Posts: 16
    Yeah I got that part. Sorry my short term memory is not particularly good since I had a motorcycle accident a couple years ago. Either way consider it a reason to have programmers make it so the creel internals ACTUALLY show up as part of the search feature and tell players that they ARE in a creel. I also have something else to tell the Staff about but I'll keep that more in a message you all can do with as you please but I promised the person I would do so.