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Post your favourite plot hole
Also (to keep on topic of the post), the the fact that Cichol gives up despite having an eternal rage to...
...i forgot what they were doing.
I once started to do a story based on Mabi on the fan creations section, but work got busy and I stopped and the thread as since vaporized.
Fomors had given up on everything after Belvast, so they made peace instead.
They did mention how the players managed to beat it the first time around. The summoner deliberately crippled it during the summoning so the thing wasn't actually at full power when you fought it. Secondly, the player fought it with the full support of the Goddess of War and Vengeance in the form of blessings and other empowerments (yes the scrolls you burn were suppressing the Morrighan's powers aiding you) so in story terms you were empowered by one of the strongest beings in the world fighting a monster whose creator all but nailed down.
Also Cichol never gave up trying to destroy the Millitian race. The player has just grown to such a point that he's not sure how to deal with you. Especially since Morrighan still sorta has your back. The first chance he gets he'll try it, and he gave up in G21 because Talvish interfered. Cichol was not in a position to face someone who was directly empowered by the top god himself so he retreated. If he continued to fight then, he'd have to face not only Talvish (aka the Elder), the Millitian, and the entirety of the divine knights top agents, who unlike Mores who relied on magic, the knights used divine power, the same power that he himself uses, making them the worst opponents he could face.
Morgant lied about being Lugh to manipulate Ruairi. Morgant's true identity is unknown (if he even is anyone of importance at all and not simply Morgant)
The true Lugh was locked away in Avon for years or whatever and was going mad, Morgant is a seperate entity that hasn't been seen since. We need to bring Cichol back and for Morgant to be his number 1. Honestly when Cichol showed up in g1 back in the day, I thought we'd have fought cichol in like g6 or something and morgant would take his place.
We need a cichol boss fight and morgant to make a re-appearance. Also was nao greeting ruairi at the end of saga 2?
Hey, Nao is the reincarnation of Mari, so old friends greet each other in the land of neither living or dead is normal.
Which makes Tarlach the lone survivor of the original 3 heroes.
Morgant is Lugh, as stated in G3, and the fact he possessed Pragarah which is explicitly stated to be the actual Lugh's sword. There was a bad explanation in saga to tie Morgant to Lugh even more with Ruairi finding out that Triona died and was the reason for his madness. So no, Morgant is NOT a separate entity but was killed off to give a generation some nostalgia points and be a colossal waste of a character. In G3 his mask is damaged and we see a human face under it, and everyone seem to recognize him as Lugh rather than some separate entity.
I feel like a lot of characters/NPC's stories have been wasted. Ruairi got way too much attention.
Ruairi felt dragged out because his story arc was finished already. His arc finished when you rescued him from Cromm. We see him start as an optimistic youth and tragedy strike him down into a nihilist bent on hurting the world in the way its hurt him to him developing and realizing that ultimately no, he didn't want revenge. When you rescue him his character's development has ended because he just gives you what is needed to progress, signifying him passing his duties to you as he failed to accomplish them. Then saga came along because they needed an edge lord and he was the closest thing they had to that. And since the edge lord was not edgy enough they had to drag Tarlach down with him.
In other words, when the war with the Fomorians ended during the Shakespeare generations, they ran out of Antagonists.
By adding in the Shamala story and then making Saga to shift focus to Iria as a spell of peace was obtained in Uladh and Belvast.
They actually didn't run out of antagonists, they just tossed out old ones to make new ones feel like an actual threat. Or just straight up ignored older ones. Saga had potential for some great new antagonists, even ones unrelated to Uladh characters, but no, they had to screw up.
They ran out.