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(waits for meme spam)
What meme spam? oWo also I doubt this'll end, specially when i'm gonna make sure i'm the last one, lol.
Sure is correct >:3
And the first one in the first forums....
I wouldn't know anything about that oWo
What is keeping some evil dragon from quoting that long meme pyramid to put it on the next page?
That I won't let you eat any more Elves, assuming you're still into that.
Elves are amazing, so I agree, no eating anymore elves ; n;
I used too be an elf, so I don't appreciate that grin sir/ma'am/attack helicopter(or whatever you seem to be since we seem to live in a world where saying you're something MEANS you're that something).
gotta love those EXP fruits, specially when you're able to sell them, collect, and sell months later after the event ends. I'll likely buy em' LMAO
because then nexon will have mabinogi competing on mabinogi
that take too much work for them, BUT I LOVE to see it.