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Chocolatier Romance Event
Oh god, why.... xD
I'm so cute, you can eat me up? c:
That sounds wrong in so many levels :^)
ba dum tss
I hope my luck turns around and I can get some of the cute homestead decorations.
Sounds delicious, but I am not...Sherri-ing.
I guess you did hate first?
The one get from love is huge and likes to dance and jump all over the place.
I got baby ones too, they do that swingy dance too. There are 4 of them. Sooo tiny and cute. When you are running, they follow you while jumping xD They do totally same animations just size is different.
Gonna Stack Them All!
Chocolate-covered supa kupas
D'awww look at theeeeeeeeeeeem, I could just eat them up.
*drooling* I love this event!
dunno about others, but I didn't, so thanks for the heads up
So that's what the Chocolatier 2nd Title does...
Makes fancy looking Valentine's Day picnic sets...