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Okay, so when MabiNovel first came out there were so many pages of it that you'd literally need to click the arrow at the bottom to show more.....now there's 2 pages and the 2nd page isn't even full, at least that's how it is in Tarlach...
Why do people hate MabiNovel so much? I personally love it, its another thing to do besides fighting and grinding......i mean sure there's Festia but that's limited, sure there's squires but that's also limited cause of time, and renown is also limited! Homesteads are HUGELY limited. And yeah MabiNovel is limited to one book per week but that's fiiiine! More time to be creative!
Sure it's limited as well but everyone loves the other things! What's wrong with MabiNovel!?
PS: General Chat and Town Square have me real confused, General Chat is for Anything Mabinogi right?

I however do understand what you mean...I guess. Dailies alone take quite a long time, not to mention real life.
Having them all at once takes up so much space, that even the Aeira's Bookbag can't hold them all.
Which means any Novels you write or scribe also can't fit inside.
Though, I've found a few Novels people have written and I keep those liked ones on certain pets.
Blissful I'm sure you can just smack in Awakened Tarlach talking to I dunno Mari and destroy time and space.......OH WAIT IS MARI EVEN IN A BOOK!?
My story would go a little like this, if you dare to read it.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUT I'm sure Mabinogi isn't ready for something that extreme.
Advent of the Goddess Collection Book - Given by Kristell.
Knight of Light Collection Book - Given by Price.
Dark Knight Collection Book - Given by James.
Alchemist Collection Book - Given by Andras.
Goddess of Light Collection Book - Given by Padan.
Sword of the Gods Collection Book - Given by Sinead.
Return of the Hero Collection Book - Given by Sinead.
Hamlet Collection Book - Given by Marlowe.
Romeo and Juliet Collection Book - Given by Lanier.
Merchant of Venice Collection Book - Given by Marlowe.
Macbeth Collection Book - Given by Admiral Owen.
Saga: Iria Collection Book - Given by Shamala.
Saga: Iria 2 Collection Book - Given by Berched.
The Divine Knights Collection Book - Given by Eirawen.
Sanctuary Gate Collection Book - Exchanged by Shuan via Shuan's Information for 5 Basic Baltane Seals.