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A New Stream On April 12th About Future Update
Essentially, you get more Potential Points per every successive 10th Level.
Level 10: 1 Potential Point
Level 20: 5 Potential Points
Level 30: 15 Potential Points
And so forth. Rebirthing resets your current level, so you would have to start over going to level 10 and receiving one point.
Should they be? It's not like levels get any harder to attain as your total goes up. If anything, it gets easier.
And remember, there's still the Ladeca and Eweca skills. Those were probably meant to encourage people to level up instead of staying at low totals, not that it matters how strong different players are at different totals to begin with. Difficulty levels are a thing of the past now, and I can't think of any other reason why this would matter.
Outlines some of the potential system rewards, and the possible random effects of the upcoming Palala skill.
Quoted your picture in your post. Don't know who uploaded those, so I credited you.
Here's hoping the stuff is going to be amazing. =D
It's still not an incentive because those skills reset when you rebirth. :<
Also, guys, when they mean expansion, like bigger homestead, or expansion meaning more junk? Remember those miscommunications we have quite frequently.
I'd be fine with either or. Something tells me that if they're going to mention it in an update, it oughta be some good junk.
I want to be able to enter my homestead house (which I tore down to make space for my treehouse lol). I want a homestead more like the bandits homestead, with a river and a bridge not surrounded by desert. I want it to be bigger and prettier and more functional.
I remember reading some time before the new director in KR saying something about wanting to do more with Homesteads so I wonder too if this will be another global release, since no one seems to know if KR got any kind of updates recently or not.
Another? When did it happen previously? .-.
The Little Ghost event was a global release if I remember correctly, back in October.
Relating more to the topic at hand, I do love the P.Level armor, but what I want to know, is the stats of the armor, what armor classification does it have? (Clothing/Light/Heavy)
I guess we will find out in a bit especially since everyone is going to have to rebirth a dozen times to get it.