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A New Stream On April 12th About Future Update
oh m gee
nvm i see the price down there
They got a Spring Event: mabinogi.nexon.com/page/news/event_view.asp?id=4885469
I really like them all, specially the greenhouse *w*
Here's the stats and descriptions for armor, screenshots taken from the stream tonight.
Northern Lights Armor-
Northern Lights Greaves-
Northern Lights Gauntlets-
These are so pretty, if they're obtainable in game I hope they're easy to get.
What I'm trying to figure out is... are all the expansion coupons in addition to the space we have now? Or do some of them replace having to level up your homestead?
Apparently level 14 is when you can start expanding. so this probably means you can skip level 15.
True. I was frustrated that every time they had something to say that I was interested in...BUFFER. Rip. Plus I felt ignored when I asked them to repeat what they said. I guess it couldn't be helped.
They better have a good update post tomorrow. Nice and detailed please.
@Saygo @Nkeona @Oneletter
what is going to be new?
can i be @ ?
Tbh my moonbook is the only reason I don't want to go over level 1k lol so I'm glad it's going to be allowed use for everyone past that level... I don't know what kind of "issues" could happen with this so I'm really hoping there aren't any
I can't find any sense to that statement. You have to level to gain access to all of the content. What are you doing? Just standing around. What was the point of being on this game? Players like you baffled me constantly. Guess you guys finally don't have an excuse anymore.
Watch using the mg book will become tedious.
Well I've stayed under 1k for about two years now. I could have passed 1k much sooner but focused on getting all my life skills to r1, so that held me back a bit. But it's been a great way to catch up to the players who've been around for years. Between the Savvy Journal, G-quests, dailies, events, festia, etc etc I have over 8k AP and will have close to 10k AP when I finally go over level 1,000. It's meant to be temporary, but this AP gives a lot of leeway for training. You can use the free resets Duncan offers to constantly reset skills and easily train CP skills without use of -CP gear, which might be hard for newer players to be able to get their hands on. While I took a long time, I know some people who used this method and finished within a few months because of their diligence.
However, I have to agree that with this new update they've made it rather unnecessary to stay under 1k. I think this update was made to combat players both in NA and KR servers who play like I do, and actually gives us reasons to go over 1k. I'm very excited about this update, and plan to go over 1k within a month or so as a result of it. But until now, they haven't given early to mid game players a proper reason to go over until using the benefits to properly train yourself.
Not sure what would happen; they mentioned the book then added later it may not be added tomorrow if complications arise
Oh they don't know what they are talking about. They are not part of the tech team that implement these updates.
My only guess for complications would be because it sounds like there's gonna be different books for different prices, or it's gonna cost different prices depending where you want to teleport? Since they said the cheapest would be 300 gold but they don't know the other prices...
Guess that confirms my fears. Light Armor. And only slightly better than normal LA.... Still pretty.
They doubled your space for you homestead.
They made the coupons tradeble
They DIDN'T make it a gacha item
They everything people have been asking for the past few months with this update Yet you still complain because "it costs real money"
At this point did you really think we were just gonna get it for free?
And if you disappointed that you cant go into your house you have way to much expectations for this game.