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Closed [Submission] Atelia is Missing Screenshot Contest
Wellllllcome to my velvet tent, do you believe in fortune telling?
IGN: Sm7701
Server: Ruari
"Ah, I see we've been expecting you, please do have a seat and let us reveal your fortune"
IGN: Nevine
Server: Mari
IGN : michann
Server: Tarlach
IGN: Ladyfire
Server: Mari
Atelia -- come back. I need to know if today is the day I catch the BIG ONE!
IGN: Berylius
Server: Mari
Are you ready for your psychic body scan?
IGN: Darvy
Server: Mari
(those are actual things btw, wiki it ;P)
EDIT: replaced picture because I dyed the boxers
Server: Tarlach
Junior reporter, reporting in on the mysterious disappearance of Atelia! Nobody knows her current whereabouts at this point in time, but I could really go for some tea right now.
IGN: Ringabe1
Server: Alexina
My fortune telling took a horrible turn.
IGN: Lyndrake
Server: Tarlach
IGN: Veryl
Server: Mari
"Hmm, I wonder where Atelia has gone."
IGN: Kailen
Server: Tarlach
IGN: Reiyra
Server: Alexina
In-Game Name: Kymiraa
Server: Alexina
"Ferghus has been banned from this stall, after reading his fortune the crystal ball broke. We are sorry, but until we can make a new one you will get your fortunes told by me"
"I foresee that you will no longer get cards until the return of Atelia"
IGN: craftkid
Server: Alexina
"I'm so sorry this reading was... well it went terribly... I'm new to this whole fortune reading thing"
IGN: Ragnaroksas
Server: Tarlach
IGN: Cannolie
Server: Alexina
IGN: Winnskin
Server: Alexina
Server: Alexina