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Closed [Submission] Atelia is Missing Screenshot Contest
Server: Tarlach
Is this how I fortune?
Server: Tarlach
Server: Tarlach
There's only room for one crystal ball in this tent!
Server: Mari
Sphyra the is part-timing as a Miko until Atelia is released-- er, I mean, until Atelia returns for her uh, "vacation!" Come sit and enjoy the comfort of a Kotatsu and some mandarin oranges while getting your fortune told!
And no I couldn't keep a straight face while typing that. lol
Server: Ruairi
Server: Tarlach
"IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE!!!!!" -hyaciinth, 2017
Server: Tarlach
Server: Alexina
IGN: Blissfulkill
Server: Alexina
Server: Ruairi
(lol disregard my mouse in my screenshot =]]] )
"I may be little, but *ehem* I can still give a good fortune *who said I'm a child
Ign: Yanderei
Server: Alexina
"This is originally where Atelia was at but now... I'm not so sure..."
IGN: Zeo
Server: Alexina
Ign: Zarric
Server: Mari
''Um, yes, I'll do my best to give you your fortune while Atelia isn't there.... please don't be mad if bad luck comes to you?''
''Let's see what fate has in store for you today.''
IGN: Soll222
Server: Ruairi
I can see my hand slipping sometime in your future, the only way you can prevent this is to bring me 100 Iced strawberry brandies
IGN: Kageryuu
Server: Mari
Now, they've brought Investigator Teraschione on to the case!"
"I'll get to the bottom of this!"
IGN: Teraschione
Server: Mari
Atelia? She's not missing... She merely went on vacation.
[Get your Tarot Read with NPC Johbutterfli]
Server: Mari
IGN: Johbutterfli
I love you.
~Yours says you'll have a great day and find the love of your life today ~
IGN: Hiyorihime
Server: Mari