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Dark Skintone Options for Elves!


  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    edited May 19, 2017
    @Montjulent, Elaborate

    Unless you are doing something... less legal...
  • MontjulentMontjulent
    Mabinogi Rep: 665
    Posts: 14
    The server verified it as legal and let me choose that skin color-- that's good enough for me.
  • KagaKaga
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,170
    Posts: 617
    edited May 19, 2017
    Falskull wrote: »
    SO everyone wants a "Dark Elf" which is a different type of race in the Elven race line when "Elf" are all fair skinned. another stupid idea

    with that mindset..
    No wonder people think black people are a different "race" than white people lul

    That so called "elven race line" doesn't apply on Mabinogi's lore, so don't give me that BS.
    If they let us have black hair which only cursed elves have (goes against the lore) then they definitely can give us dark-skin. Dark skin has nothing to do with the lore or any race line BS.

    If dark-skin for elves doesn't go against the lore of this game, then your comment doesn't mean censored
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    edited May 19, 2017
    Montjulent wrote: »
    The server verified it as legal and let me choose that skin color-- that's good enough for me.
    I'm calling dragon turds. Also: why did you say "the server verified"? There is no such feature. Now, I'm now calling hacks.
    And if in the end, this was just a photoshop, I'm calling troll.
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    edited May 19, 2017
    Falskull wrote: »
    Why even care about skin color honestly why not except the game as it is. Mabinogi Elves race is way more inline with a -High Elf- then a -Dark Elf- You already have Black haried elves isnt that enough. why are you trying to make the races the same as each other there different for a reason.

    Not sure if you're trolling or is just being really ignorant on this... It also seem like you're evading my question and for a very obvious reason too because you actually don't have any source/proof of that... maybe because the elves having dark skintones was NEVER mentioned in any form of lore in Mabinogi? I will ask you one more time - provide in-game (as in screenshots straight from Mabinogi, not Elder Scrolls, etc...) screenshots of where it was stated that elves cannot have the dark skintones. Also... did you literally not see the three screenshots in my original posts showing three elf NPCs who have tan/dark skintone in Mabinogi? They do exist.

    And also, the argument about three races having the difference in regard to the skintones is very illogical because the special thing about giants is that well... they're big, lol while elves have the ears...I don't even need to state what humans are, lol. I think that's more than enough of the difference between three races... do you really need the skintones to differentiate the three races? lol

    I have to agree with @Aeolys and @Kaga... There's no such thing as 'High Elves' or 'Dark Elves' in a game like Mabinogi so your argument on this as a reason to go against elves having dark skintones is really invalid and like what Kaga said... you literally treated 'black' as in a different category compared to being white and that can come off in a very bad way too.
    Aeolys wrote: »
    Montjulent wrote: »
    The server verified it as legal and let me choose that skin color-- that's good enough for me.
    I'm calling dragon turds. Also: why did you say "the server verified"? There is no such feature. Now, I'm now calling hacks.
    And if in the end, this was just a photoshop, I'm calling troll.

    I'd assume it's via mod, hack, or using some sort of script... most likely... to get the dark skintone on elves because it's still not possible to get the dark skin options if I go to a dressing room to change my skin...
  • TheLordofNyrinTheLordofNyrin
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 14
    Montjulent wrote: »
    Guys it's 2017 you can already be a dark Elf if you truly believe

    I said i wasn't going to reply further on this thread, but heres a MOD that does it. what was it i said? something about it being possible to make in an afternoon? looks like i was right. It's a shame that a mod was needed to do it b/c what we are wanting here is it to be officially added, not done through mabinogi mods and hacks.

    There's no reason why this can't be just shoved out in a future update, It would litterally take 30 mins tops. If it isn't that easy, I want a Dev to tell me that to my face and why.
  • AeolysAeolys
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,115
    Posts: 469
    Montjulent wrote: »
    Guys it's 2017 you can already be a dark Elf if you truly believe

    I said i wasn't going to reply further on this thread, but heres a MOD that does it. what was it i said? something about it being possible to make in an afternoon? looks like i was right. It's a shame that a mod was needed to do it b/c what we are wanting here is it to be officially added, not done through mabinogi mods and hacks.

    There's no reason why this can't be just shoved out in a future update, It would litterally take 30 mins tops. If it isn't that easy, I want a Dev to tell me that to my face and why.
    Here is my guess:
    The mod probably replaces one skintone with the dark skintone clientside. Only through the client you get to see the change. Everyone else (without the mod) wouldn't be able to see it. Also, replacing the skintone will alter your perspective and see other players with same replaced skintone. No new skintone option is created, it was just visually replaced. (DON'T MOD, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!)

    Here is my two cents (a guess) on why we aren't given the option:
    Skintones can be modified, that is evident with the skin changing crowns. What I think is that the character creator is hard coded the selected skintones. Unlike hairstyles which are a list of objects that the character creator pulls out of a database, I think the selection of skintones for each race is part of the character creator and does not refer to an external list. From what I know from programming, decompiling an existing program is hard and probably impossible. There is also the thing where the original dev team being not around anymore.
    I could be wrong; this is just a guess.
  • PepperLimePepperLime
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,020
    Posts: 9
    edited May 20, 2017
    Regardless, some of us would like our characters to look like how we look in rl. Why play an elf then? Simple, I like elves. Why do the other races even have it and they don't? I find it very weird. Did they just say.. nah let's keep em' light it looks better. :/
  • XantheneXanthene
    Mabinogi Rep: 550
    Posts: 4
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    Sphyra21 wrote: »
    Yeah I'm curious as to why anyone would vote against this too.

    I'm still curious about this as well and I'd like to know their actual reasoning without bringing the 'Mabinogi lore' or the "racial difference" into this unless you actually have any in-game screenshots or citations (which must be related to Mabinogi, don't try to bring up different MMOs regarding elves like Elder Scrolls, Black Desert Online, FFXIV, etc... because they're irrelevant to Mabinogi) because well... as of right now, there's no reason to vote or say no to this... the dark skintone options being added in for elves isn't going to do any harm and it's not going to take anything away, lol.
  • ParadoxLostParadoxLost
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 108
    edited May 22, 2017
    Doesn't this post break forum rules by even mentioning the big M word and spreading knowledge of it, and also by being a double post? o:

    Posting Rules and Regulations
    - Keep forum discussions pertaining to the game.
    - Controversial, illegal (pirating, drugs, other illicit etc.), adult (drinking, sexual activities and references) and Terms of Use-breaking (hacking, glitching, account trading, private servers, etc.) discussions are not allowed.
    Answered my own question..
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I support. Because why not? I just realized that dark skinned elves actually look cute owo
  • Sphyra21Sphyra21
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,555
    Posts: 504
    edited June 2, 2017
    Falskull wrote: »
    SO everyone wants a "Dark Elf" which is a different type of race in the Elven race line when "Elf" are all fair skinned. another stupid idea

    Dark/darker skintones for elves. Not dark elves! 2 totally different things people! Read the whole thing and don't cherry pick whatever you feel like. We're sayin' we want the option to make our elves look the way we want them to. We didn't say " go make mabi like every other fantasy mmo out there by makin' 2 seperate elven races."

    And if we always just accept everythin' in life as it is, we wouldn't get anywhere.
  • YuyuwiiYuyuwii
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,300
    Posts: 9
    I want elves with dark skintones because why not
    it's a lore thing? it's not? bah, what's even logic on mabi anyways ¯\_ツ_/¯
  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    I dont even care if its NA only.
    KR can keep the idea that lighter skin shouldn't be given to elves... Maybe 1 day NA will actually try and demand a update or fix something or allow the concerns of NA players to be heard instead of allowing the chief of KR cherry pick what we can get...

    personally it feels to suggest lighter skins as being the basic skin type. when all skins are basic skin types.... people who refuse or think we can live without dark skins tones shows that..... and i dont even blame them. i blame mabinogi staff for allowing that this to be a conversational battle among us.
    - like i said before elves dont get anything in this game but archery skill updates... - it be NICE to feel even equal in color... like darn lol....
    and before i go any more special snowflake, note: im just trying to support, so its gonna sound really cringy.
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    I think darker skintones for elves is a great idea. I mean, this is a game where you can get a sparkly pink pegasus from collecting tickets you get for painting trees with dyes you get from jars of candy you pick from trees...dark skinned elves shouldn't be too much of a blow to suspension of disbelief here. (And, yes, I did get my sparkly pink pegasus, thank you.) The lore shouldn't even be a problem, since Giants come from a frozen land up north, the kind of place where people usually have lighter skintones, but you can sure make a big, chocolate tank of your very own...Come to think of it, the whole game is based on Celtic mythology, but we can still make dark-skinned humans and Manus is pretty darn tanned. Unless they come up with "Elves use their magic to protect their skin from the sun, so they never developed higher concentrations of melanin" as an explanation, bring on the dark-skinned elves! XD
  • ZeoZeo
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,040
    Posts: 521
    I think darker skintones for elves is a great idea. I mean, this is a game where you can get a sparkly pink pegasus from collecting tickets you get for painting trees with dyes you get from jars of candy you pick from trees...dark skinned elves shouldn't be too much of a blow to suspension of disbelief here. (And, yes, I did get my sparkly pink pegasus, thank you.) The lore shouldn't even be a problem, since Giants come from a frozen land up north, the kind of place where people usually have lighter skintones, but you can sure make a big, chocolate tank of your very own...Come to think of it, the whole game is based on Celtic mythology, but we can still make dark-skinned humans and Manus is pretty darn tanned. Unless they come up with "Elves use their magic to protect their skin from the sun, so they never developed higher concentrations of melanin" as an explanation, bring on the dark-skinned elves! XD

    Beautifully stated on why using 'lore' reasoning isn't a good one to go against elves getting their dark skintone options... plus the lore were already thrown out of the window looooooong time ago, where's the outrage by the same kind of people who try to use 'lore' without having the actual knowledge of Mabinogi lore to go against elves having dark skintones?
  • BloonkBloonk
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,080
    Posts: 39
    Even from a lore standpoint it doesn't make sense.
    I can have an elf with abnormal colored spiky hair that defies gravity, crudefully drawn on eyes, a goatee, AND A DISGUSTING, UNNATURAL, REVOLTING CAT MOUTH THAT IS PERMANENTLY OPEN.
    so i mean why not have dark skin tones? dark skin is beautiful.
  • TheLordofNyrinTheLordofNyrin
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 14
    Bloonk wrote: »
    Even from a lore standpoint it doesn't make sense.
    I can have an elf with abnormal colored spiky hair that defies gravity, crudefully drawn on eyes, a goatee, AND A DISGUSTING, UNNATURAL, REVOLTING CAT MOUTH THAT IS PERMANENTLY OPEN.
    so i mean why not have dark skin tones? dark skin is beautiful.

    das one ugly elf, and i agree.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited June 11, 2017
    Race and species are different things guys, although evolutionary ancestors are a bit complex to even categorize as Sapien from Sapien Sapien. In any case, the idea of race can be descended from the same species I believe while still essentially, being the same species.

    The reason I suspect for this confusion is that any mention of intelligent nonhumans are all speculative and out of mind.
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