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Payment has been sent, sorry for the wait!
Like this... kind of
I can most certainly try! That is, if your willing to let me~ ouo I'm new to complicated animations, but I'm very eager to learn, so that would be amazing practice
Character Reference: http://tinypic.com/r/9knubs/9
Character Traits: goddess-looking. :P
Pose Reference: http://tinypic.com/r/wj98xt/9
Animation?: Hair flowing somewhat like this one,
And also maybe feathers flowing in the same directions around her :P
Payment Option: Gold
Quick question, would you like her blinking? Or just have her hair flow with feathers?
Here's the base colors and lineart
:U Tell me if anything needs fixing. I'm also gonna send you a private message about an animation question I have. (Just so we don't spam the thread ^^;)
Here's the sketch, Enlise! Let me know if you want anything changed.
As I told Draxcon, I don't know how much detail I can keep once I shrink it and start pixeling, so I apologize in advance if things become simplified! xnx
Also...just a heads up, this picture might take me a while to finish, ecspecially when I get to the animating. I will keep you updated as much as a can though! And thanks so much for letting me use your commission as practice for a new animation x3
The total will come to 5.7mil if everything looks A-Okay to you~!
Also... the right hand there looks a little off... like it's a little too big : < it would be nice if you could adjust it slightly
Well, that's up to you. If you want the picture to look seamless, it's gonna be hard to do falling/flowing in the breeze feathers. So if you don't mind being able to see where the picture ends I can easily do the feathers flying off from the wings and off screen to the right.
However, if you do mind, then I'd have to animated them floating in place. Kind of like this: http://rs1269.pbsrc.com/albums/jj588/CutePixelIcons/Cute Pixel Icons/balloon_icon_by_plasticumbrella-d3iq9wo.gif~c200
Or ....maybe I could make it so that the feathers fade out at the end of their animation (While they're still moving, of course, so it doesn't look weird) before they hit the edge of the picture; but I guess, either way, it's up to you what you think will look best!
And my IGN: Riuie
I like the idea that they fade out before the edge 8). I was also hoping to have a little bit of feathers flying to the left of the wings (i.e around her and all). However if it's not possible, I don't mind them being cut off at the edge either.
As for payment, feel free to mail me a junk item for 5.7m(Aurala), or if you prefer a check, add me/note me on my Ruairi character(Enlise) so we can set it up : >
Commission finished!
I'm sorry about his tail...Gifs don't like things being transparent on a transparent background. =/ But I hope you like it anyway x3
It turned out wonderful! The animation is lovely, and I do love your gradients on him
I will definitely put in another order here soon