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No rush, just wanting to make sure this isn't forgotten.
I hope you had a wonderful new year!
Aah it is wonderful! She looks soo cute, the animation is wonderful. The way you've colored the hair is so pretty and the gift looks great as well.
Would it be possible to change the eyes, mouth, and eyebrows to white? I am unsure if that is a hassle since it's already animated though. But I love it, she looks amazing! Your pixels are so cute. Thank you so much
Would you be up for doing another commission or two, by the way? These would be the two characters I'd be interested in getting, but I'm not sure you'd be okay with doing them (specifically the slime girl Leila)
I can get the form filled out again soon if you're okay with them though.
Aah, I'm so excited that you like slime girls! I'm always a bit nervous to ask for art of her, aha. Separate is perfectly fine, it is what I'd prefer One more thing before I get all of the information together for you, are you up to doing wing flapping, tail wagging, and/or ears twitching animation? Or would that be too complex? If you are up for it, do you happen to have any examples of something similar?
For the animation...I've never done anything beyond face things...I can try, though. I'm always up for a new challenge ^^ but I don't have any examples. So it's up to you if you really want me to. ouob
Here are the forms for the next two separate chibi orders orders. I hope you can have a fun time with them
IGN/Server: Nyaa/Alexina
Character Reference: https://toyhou.se/596466.ki-ana (bottom right outfit on first ref, please c: The one with the skirt.)
Character Traits: Her ponytail goes halfway down her back and she has multiple different piercings. Her shoes can be the same shoes she wears with her other outfit.
Pose Reference: Something similar to this, http://puu.sh/tgjgU.jpg , if it is okay with you.
Animation?: Winking at the viewer in between blinks (similar pattern to the one you did of Mel). Tail wagging a bit and ears twitching a bit, if doable
Payment Option: gold
IGN/Server: Nyaa/Alexina
Character Reference: https://toyhou.se/597844.leila
Character Traits: Her earrings are on her ears, not her horns. Her horns curve around her ears. The tip of her tail changes color depending on its placement
Pose Reference: Something similar to this? http://safebooru.org//images/1703/faeeb260654d58cf6e3457cc1668e7811ad0a811.jpg?1782043 Snickering to herself while holding some jewelry that she stole behind her back
Animation?: Blinking, eyes looking to the right and left to make sure she isn't caught, pausing to snicker/laugh lightly. Maybe some twinkling animation on the jewelry that she has stolen?
Payment Option: gold
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns on these ones, or if the animations don't happen to work out. WIPs would be loved again. Thank you!
And one more! When I color her, can I do a bubbly type coloring? Like this: http://imgur.com/3xAZhl2 Or would you rather have regular shading?
IGN/Server: Gretux/Alexina
Character Reference: http://imgur.com/a/1yrOM
Character Traits: Calm, clever, suave, curious, observant.
Pose Reference: http://imgur.com/a/Letsx
Animation: Blinking eyes, Sparkles on the wings (you can see that at character reference)
Payment Option: Gold
For the coloring, maybe a mix of the two? Whatever you think looks best for the slime! c: She isn't really as slimy as the picture you linked, so I'm not sure how well it would work for her, but maybe in the places that show she is slimy it could look nice. She is a bit see-through, as well, if you're up for showing that in the shading/coloring. Let me know if you have any more questions or if anything I said needs more clarification.
Leila's sketch is done!
There's a lot of things on her that should be detailed, but since it's a very small canvas I might not be able to fit it all in. I hope that's ok~
Tell me if anything needs to be fixed! Otherwise, I'll accept the payment and finish it up for you! (Aaah, I'm so excited to color this x3)
Total: 4.5mil
I also got Ki'ana done~ She's so cute x3!!
Total for Ki'ana: 4.5mil
Edit: oh! Would you like me to combine both the payments when you check over this one? It'll be 9mil :U
AND I finished yours as well! x3 Here's the sketch:
If there's anything you would like me to change just tell me~ Otherwise I'll accept the payment and finish the picture x3
Total: 4.5mil
EDIT: I just sent you check on mail x3 This way it will be faster for us both~
For Ki'ana, she is looking soo great as well omg ; u ; I love it so far, you've done a wonderful job with the pose. If it is okay, could you add her choker necklace and a bit of a heel to her shoes similar to http://puu.sh/tiEFd.jpg ? It would be great if her hoop earring on our left and her eyelid piercing on our right could be added in as well, if possible. Her ears have solid gray tips instead of continuing as spots all the way up if that makes sense (I wanted to mention this now in case you don't catch it while coloring). I really love how both are turning out, you are doing a great job on all of these. I'm so excited to see how cute they turn out. Thank you again so much for the WIPs as well as the changes! I have paid the mail for both